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Button for Auto-scan of Systems/Fleets


8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 5:08:58 PM

As some have pointed out, scrolling around the whole map each turn to determine the status of each fleet/system is kind of a pain.

I propose there be a button that initiates an automatic scan of the galaxy where you have a presence, in galaxy view (not at system level).

It will potentially alleviate that disconcerting situation where your fleet guarding a system stops a fleet, only to have that go unnoticed because you didn't take the time to manually scan every system.

I saw another solution to the unnoticed fleets in guards systems problem that gives you notification when a fleet enters a guarded system, and thought it would quickly turn into spam, considering how frequently this will likely happen mid-game and beyond.

I can see other advantages as well.  Identifying empty queues (which I know there's a warning about before 'end turn' processed.)  And would give one the opportunity to identify the fleet one is most interested in watching move.  

Ideally, the rate at which this scan takes place would be modifiable, could be interrupted at any time (to stay fixed on the location of the galaxy it was showing when you pressed the interruption button/hotkey.)

Updated 7 days ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 3:44:35 PM

Possibly a "Radar" button that you press it and it flashes where there are ships that are not yours in your area of influence. Even allies and neutrals should pulse their color just so you know about hotspots.

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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 6:54:14 PM

pax368 wrote:

Possibly a "Radar" button that you press it and it flashes where there are ships that are not yours in your area of influence. Even allies and neutrals should pulse their color just so you know about hotspots.

ooh, I like that idea a lot.

My idea was different, and probably not as good for addressing that exact problem.  If you haven't already, I'd suggest posting this idea to the ideas section independent of this thread.  You can post your link here, if you do, and I'll upvote it. 

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