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What is the Name of this Academy Flagship?


Just yesterday, we wrapped up our vote on the biography of the Remnant hero who joined the Nakalim. Today, we want to turn our attention back to most influential organisation of heroes in the galaxy: The Academy.

In the Celestial Worlds DLC, we have learned a little bit about the power structures in the academy and its leaders. The Mezari captain Chloris, who served as a military leader during Isyander’s rebellion, has since become one of the foremost experts on the Endless and is in charge of the Academy’s vast stores of knowledge. Powerful leaders like her command powerful assets, including flagships whose names are known throughout the galaxy.

What would a Mezari commander fascinated by the Endless call their flagship?

What would you name your own flagship in the Endless universe?

10 415 500

g2g pts

Warden of Knowledge

Warden of Knowledge

2 005 300

g2g pts

Quaestor of the Tabernacle

Quaestor of the Tabernacle

5 415 700

g2g pts

Seneschal of the Archives

Seneschal of the Archives

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5 years ago
Aug 9, 2019, 3:20:16 AM

Warden of knowledge is my vote. If they're going through this process of reskins then they should look at enabling players to select different AI fleet skins as well. Instead of just the base options.

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