A quick update on what's happening here at Amplitude!

First of all, it's been a while since I have given you a full update on the team and how things are going. Sorry for that.
As you know we've been super busy these last weeks, as we've been working on the Beta and implementing as many 4 star community features as possible.
AI and balancing have also been main focuses to make sure we deliver something solid for the Gold.
We've also been finalizing the design and implementing the custom faction feature, working on the Imperator skin, (casting teasing spell) and a lot of other surprises we'll tell you about next week...

As you might have seen around the net, video game websites have started previewing the game and for now the feedback has been very positive! We're crossing fingers so that more press will have a look at the game in the coming weeks. For a new indie company it's always difficult to get the attention of journalists, but I'm sure with Iceberg's help we'll get the support we need to spread the word.
Looking back a couple of months, we have been stunned by how quickly things moved. We really didn't expect such amazing support from you guys; our community has grown exponentially and your help has been tremendous!
We of course know that the G2G intiative is still work in progress, but the results we've achieved have really encouraged us to continue developping this whole relationship.
Anyway, the entire team wanted to thank you again for your awesome support and sense of humour (the world needs more of that

Ooops almost forgot, a new G2G vote on the community created Pilgrims hero bios is up