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2 months ago Dec 05,2024, 16:16:54 PM

Amplified Needs You!

1 342 Views

Hello everyone!

As you know, every year we celebrate Amplified, and this year we would like to feature you, the community ✨

We want to create a short video highlighting what our games means to you! So we need your help! 😉

Send us a video!

We are looking to get the thoughts of the community of our games and the studio, here are some examples:

  • What X game meant to you?
  • What do you think about the studio?
  • What do you like about our games? 
  • What are your thoughts about the Endless Universe?

Again, those are just examples.

Format Required

We know for most user will be easier to grab their phones and press "record". 
This is why we think would be easier this way 😄

If you rather prefer just sending a voice file, instead of a video, that is okay as well!

  • 9:16
  • Duration could be between 5 secs to 1 minute max (take into consideration that we might cut some parts, to make it shorter)

If you prefer to record it with a camera or a webcam, do not hesitate to do it as well.

How to send the video to us

You can send the video directly to >> Community@amplitude-Studios.com

If directly by email is too big, do not hesitate to use other tools like Google Drive, WeTransfer, etc.

Please mention in the subject something like Community Video (or similar)


20 December of 2024

If it's later it is fine, but we would like to start working before the Christmas holidays

Super thank you in advance,

The AmpliTeam

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2 months ago
Dec 13, 2024, 6:19:22 PM
Will definitely put something together after the pre-holiday rush is finished. It's a great way to engage the community and tie it to a celebration.
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2 months ago
Dec 17, 2024, 1:51:25 PM

Khilas wrote:

Is french ok, or only english ? 

In French it can work, because we can make subtitles in Eng (it can be in other languages from people in the Studio but wanted to avoid to list all languages hahha)

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