We've been busy these last days, but we have a couple of interesting news to share with you today

First of all the Alpha 2 build is now up and running (Release Notes above)!! Wait, WAIT... before you launch STEAM, have a look at the 6th faction revealed today, the AMOEBAS.
This faction will be playable in the Beta version of the game. We also uploaded new Amoeba Avatars :rolleyes:
We also have winners for the Sophon Hero bio competition! Congrats to Eiensakura and Wafflashizzles for their creations!
Steph'nie also launched a new Hero bio competition for the Amoebas, good luck to you all!
Finally, there is a new G2G vote available. You'll be able to choose the Amoebas' Faction Logo and also choose one of the features that will be added to the Beta version of the game. The 2 others will be added a little later.
Have a good one!