Hi everyone,
First of all thanks for your support these past weeks!
Here is a short report explaining where we stand in terms of game development.
As you know from the Endless Space site, we are in between alpha and beta status. What does it mean? Well, we have developed almost all of the game features now, except for a few minor elements that will be added soon. The game simulation, GUI, AI, and multiplayer have been operational for some time now, which has allowed us start playing and especially starting the balancing of the game.
Most of the graphical and sound content is in as well, except for some elements which will be added soon, based on your feedback and G2G votes.
We are quite happy with the level of performance of the game, which runs decently on a mid-range laptop from early 2008. Some playtesters have been known to play as long as 500 turns, so the game is already quite stable.
Does this mean that the development is over? Far from it! We are implementing the remaining micro-features (special buildings, battle actions, advanced faction traits) which will give depth and replayability. There is still a lot of work to perform on the game balancing (8 very different factions), especially on the AI which has many many parameters to tweak.
Also we want to remain open to players feedback to improve the game to the highest quality. The VIP testers have started playing a build of the game, and we are paying close attention to their feedback, to get a first external opinion on the gameplay. This is just a first step, and I hope the rest of the community will also help us perfect the game.
Thanks again for the precious help.
More info coming soon!

13 years ago Apr 17,2012, 09:33:00 AM
Endless Space Progress Report
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