Hi everyone,

It has been a busy week for all of us and our VIP members, already testing "Virtual Awakening" and giving us interesting feedback. smiley: smile But for now, let me introduce our new Virtual Endless hero: Kyuind Neuil.

Endless hero: Kyuind Neuil


Faction: Endless

Class: Administrator / Commander


  • Labour: 7
  • Wit: 0
  • Melee: 0
  • Offence: 4
  • Defence: 4

Special Ability:

  • +5 industry per population on Methane / Hydrogen / Helium
  • - 10 % ship cost on system


Appointed as the operator of an industrial platform orbiting a gas giant during the Dust Wars, Neuil's skills at production were greatly appreciated until the war moved elsewhere, and he was left alone. After spending millennia maintaining the platform, he was found and expatriated by an Automaton scientific expedition. Neuil now roams the galaxy, putting his many years of practical knowledge in industry and warfare to work for his clients.


We will be able to announce the release date in the upcoming week, so stay tuned and have a nice weekend! smiley: wink