To access the 1.1.15 version, you will have to select in the Steam properties of Endless Space, the 'Betas' tab. Enter the password: BetaPatchOptim, then select the 'Beta patch - Optim' option in the droplist.
Please note that if you already activated the 1.1.14 Beta, the game will update on its own (no need to re-enter the password!).
Hi everyone,
We recently got back from our holidays (an entire week off) and got to work immediately on the feedback you have given us on the first Beta 1.1.14 we released. We do have another Beta now (1.1.15) ready for you guys, before the big release to everyone on the public version. The goal of this second round of beta is to share with you our latest improvements and fixes and of course, make sure that everything goes smoothly.
Once again, let us know what you think! We went through some huge changes regarding the weapons balance, but everything will be explained by Meedoc in this thread:
The release notes are available here:
- Added a narrative event following the first Golden Age launch
- Limitations of traits has been removed (until we find an option to implement it)
CHANGES AND ADDITIONS [ExpansionPackversion]
- Added 2 new effects for the tolerant trait:
> -50% $(Approval) LOSS FROM PLANET ONCE REQUIRED TECH KNOWN - Weapons and defence balancing of some values.
- Fixed: Formation & Targeting override themselves in case there is multiple battle report
- Fixed: Researched modules were unavailable if we skipped a level
- Fixed: Before completed colonization through a system, the use of a colony ship to settle the system was freezing the growth endlessly
- Fixed bug on Endless Facility linked to Academy Hero Cap
- Removed an option which wasn't working for Endless Facility random event (x0 turn for next hero arrival)
- Fixed: +1 hero cap effect was not a working option: “research it” was selected for Endless Facility random event
- Fixed: 100% success land invasion fails with no report
- Fixed: Cannot invade - Misleading tooltip due to Ally already invading
- Fixed: Sometimes, other players’ ships are invisible when orbiting a system
- Fixed: Tooltips flicker on and off a lot more especially during other fleet movement
- Fixed: The Horatio Coms and Archidux hull effects are not functional
- Fixed: The Craver predator hull effects are not functional
- Fixed: The title remains unresponsive each time the user quits to desktop on Mac
- Fixed: The Craver High-Tolerance Reactors empire improvement bonus is not displayed in the empire wide factors
- Fixed: The "Revenge" faction trait is referring to fleet MP instead of Invasion power
- Fixed: Graphical issues are present in galaxy view when starting a 2nd session
- Fixed: Friends' games filter remains active if the user checks it and the presses Cancel button
- Fixed: The post-battle report displays incorrect health for the ships involved if the user and the AI have played retreat cards and the retreat was unsuccessful for the user
- Fixed: The ship icons do not faded when the player does not have enough population on the star system to build them
- Fixed: The ongoing number of turns in a Cease Fire deal is not shown correctly for ally members
- Fixed: Assert received when the player is exiting the game using the right mouse button
- Fixed: "The Legendary Wreck Analyzed" event does not grant the experience to ships in the hangar
- Fixed: The rings of the Harvester large hull ship of the Automatons Faction remain floating in space after the ship has exploded during manual combat
- Fixed: One of the Pilgrim paladin hull effects does not properly apply its bonus
To access the 1.1.15 version, you will have to select in the Steam properties of Endless Space, the 'Betas' tab. Enter the password: BetaPatchOptim, then select the 'Beta patch - Optim' option in the droplist.
Have a nice weekend!