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10 years ago Jan 21,2015, 09:00:00 AM

[Endless Day] Time to celebrate



Dear Amplitude fans,

First of all I wish you a happy New Year 2015 full of health and success for you and your loved ones!

2014 has been a great year for Amplitude (and for you thanks to the games we delivered ), and we look at the future with both excitement and confidence (well not overconfidence obviously). It is also interesting for us to look at the past and the story so far, as we are going to celebrate our fourth anniversary on January 21st. It also happens to be Romain’s birthday (Amplitude's Creative Director), although his actual age is a close kept secret (even more than the origin of the Endless).

On a cold day of January 21st 2011, the paperwork for a new company called AMPLITUDE Studios (note the plural as we were already expecting to operate 27 different studios) was recorded at the local registration office. We quickly snagged some offices, hijacked our friends and family for some money, hired talented people that still constitute the core of Amplitude today, and started working on our first game. It was called Star Empire, which came to be known as Endless Space (a far better name). More than a game, we also created a universe that would support our games. We then designed a new way of interacting with our community and involving them in the game development, which you know as the Games2Gether.

Endless Space was an amazing success for a fledgling company (we were planning on selling 60.000 units in our original business plan), but it was also more than a commercial success. We had tremendous critical acclaim and even more importantly we were joined by a huge and fantastic community (that is you I am talking about ).

This first success allowed us to create two new games, Endless Legend and Dungeon of the Endless, one of them in an alcoholic quasi-slumber. After the first awards won by Endless Space (Unity Golden Cube and Community Choice awards), we are humbled by the number of awards and commendations we received for these last two games. We cannot wait for the D.I.C.E awards results (if you are a member of the jury and read this, know that we will bribe you with your likeness in our next game)!! We are not short on ideas, and new projects will come up. In fact we have tons of ideas, but we must prioritize to preserve our quality, dedication, and also to keep a company of humane size.

Anyway, this anniversary has given us the idea to celebrate an Endless Day. Rumor has it that this event could occur on a yearly basis. Be prepared for in-game events, rewards, gifts and whatnot. Also for those in Paris on the 21st, we are hosting a Beer2Gether at our offices.

Thanks again for your support and enjoy our first Endless Day!


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