
Disharmony will be release tomorrow on Steam, so we are glad to reveal a bit more of the “Extermination” aspect of the game now.

Thanks to the player feedback we have received all year long on the depth of battles, we decided to look for some solutions and here’s our shot at it.


Before jumping into a battle, it is now possible to define the way you want to target the enemy fleet thanks to the new targeting system.

There are three different types of targeting available:

  • Spread Fire
  • Nosebreaker
  • Guillotine 

The choice of targeting will then depend on your military power, your ship designs and your enemy’s. Some parameters are indeed very important (weapons ranges for instance, as they define the shooting frequency in each phase).

Ship formation on the other hand will allow you to choose which ships you will be exposing to your enemy first. You will be able to counter your enemy’s targeting strategy.


There are 5 ship formations available:

  • Default Formation
  • Defensive Formation
  • Weaker First
  • Veteran Formation
  • Shield Formation
  • Protective Formation

When combining formation and targeting, you can think of strategies at a fleet level. For example: using your ships as a shield when you have no defence modules.


Fighters and bombers have another role in game. Indeed, they greatly improve the dynamic and depth of the combats. They will also allow players to bombard systems, making them weaker and slowing down their economy.

During battles, fighters start with a melee confrontation while bombers fly towards the enemy fleet. Fighters that survived the melee phase will start chasing the enemy bomber or protect your own.


Outside of combats, fighters and bombers will also bombard enemy systems. To do so, one of your fleets orbiting a system needs to carry at least a bombing module. Your invasion power needs to be higher than the anti-aircraft improvements built on the system. Please note that during this bombardment phase, you may lose some of your fighters and bombers!


Land Invasion report

Until now, there was just one way to invade a system: start a siege and wait for a certain number of turns until it is completed.

In addition to this mechanic, it is now possible to invade instantaneously a system if you own “troops”. However, this may have its advantages and drawbacks:


+ Allows you to get an unharmed system

+ Easier to set up and optimise in a later time

- Requires a bit of time, so you need to protect your fleets

Land Invasion

+ Instantaneous

+ Allows you to get a greater ownership for each troop still alive at the end of the invasion

- More expensive to prepare

- May cause some collateral damage to the population and improvements

Think wisely before choosing any of these invasion mechanics because there will be consequences!

Stay tuned for more info! smiley: cool