Automaton War
Hi everybody,
I hope you are all getting ready for the release of Disharmony, planned for June 26th (this Wednesday). As you already know, we will be releasing the Automaton ship models in a free update, when the expansion pack goes live, while we will also be unlocking the Sheredyn faction and unique Endless hero for all Admiral edition owners. But for now, let's take a look at these awesome Automatons ships!
As a reminder, the Automatons have been created almost entirely by the community, by means of forums competitions, polls, and G2G votes. Let's congratulate Panzer (creator of the Automatons faction) and Vahouth (made the concepts of the Automaton ships).
Automaton models by 0Ray (Amplitude artist) based on Vahouth's concepts (winner of the ship models competition)
The Automaton ship models competition took place a few months ago (thread) and vahouth was our lucky winner! We thought it could be fun to ask him a few questions.
Can you please introduce yourself?
My name is George Vahouthianakis, I am a 34 years old and I am from Crete (Greece).
My favourite hobbies are playing Warhammer 40k, painting and converting miniatures, playing video games and watching movies.
How did you find out about Endless Space?
I found about Endless Space while Googling for "Master of Orion" style games to play.
What is your favourite race?
My favourite races are Sophons, Automatons and United Empire (their ship design makes me feel like I'm playing Battlefleet Gothic)
What was your reaction when you learnt about the Automaton ship models competition? Did you grab a pencil and started drawing some ideas?
I never intended to win the competition really, I just thought that by joining in and adding my designs on this project, that could inspire some people to give their best and have a really great final result.
Did you have any references when drawing their concepts? For example: Panzer’s lore for the Automatons, some movies, books, games, etc.
Yes, my references where both Panzer's lore and the concept art already showing their physiology and machinery. Of course in my mind the ships would include rings moving and clicking and if not exactly resembling a platform like Panzer suggested, they could definitely be parts of greater, modular platform. I've always envisioned them that in a defensive scenario for example, the Citywide Platforms in orbit would break up their and form many armadas to engage the enemy.
Do you have any drawing / modelling skills?
Yes, I am a Structural Drafter and painter.
Were you surprised by this initiative of Amplitude Studios: making players participate in the creation on the game?
Yes, pleasantly surprised. This is definitely something that other companies should do.
How did you feel when 0Ray, one of our artists, got back to you with the Amplitude version of your models?
When I saw those models, I had two heart attacks at the same time! The feeling was amazing and I couldn't wait (can't wait) to see them in game!
What was your reaction when you realised you were amongst the favourite in the forums polls in the first place and the Games2Gether vote?
As I said before, winning was not my goal in this competition, my goal was inspiration. When I saw that my designs were in the lead, only then it occurred to me know...maybe I can win this. And I'm very happy that the Community honoured me in this way. But even if I lost, that wouldn't matter since in the end the Automatons would get the ships that most of the gamers want.
Romain and Jeff had to opportunity to go on a quick press tour last week in San Francisco to talk about Disharmony, amongst a few journalists, here's a fun little preview of Disharmony we have to the opportunity to share with you thanks to the guys at Wikia (Check out the Endless Space wiki while we're at it!).
See you tomorrow with a blog post on Fighters and Bombers!