Hi everyone,
The release is coming soon and we’re all getting ready for the big day! But for now, let’s take a look at two minor faction heroes:
- Dust Collective
- Virus
But also, we would like to apologise to "]Gamer_Sharkie: he won a hero biography competition a little while ago and we simply forgot to implement the hero in game. We will of course include the new forgotten Pilgrim hero, along with the Automaton models that vahouth has started to reveal here!), the Sheredyn faction and Endless hero in a free update when the expansion pack goes live (a few more days to go!).
The name Lucrum is well known among traders, bankers, and grumpy casino owners across the galaxy. A genius at probability and statistics, Lucrum was in the middle of playing five simultaneous hands of high-speed Sophon blackjack with a six-deck pack when he was struck by a moment of lucidity. In a brief flash he realized that his long-term exposure to Dust had given him supra-genius mental capacity, that he would have an incredible future with the mysterious and covert guild known as the Dust Collective, and that the strange, secretive woman who he seemed to keep running into was actually their recruiting agent, waiting for him to realize what was going on. Now a key figure in the Collective, Lucrum understands the fine boundary where risk meets reward perhaps better than any other living being. This fact masks another, more interesting skill: An excellent comprehension of the practical powers and limits of Dust.
Commander – Corporate
- Labour: 0
- Wit: 12
- Melee: 1
- Offence: 1
- Defence: 1
Enil-Nex 8043 [VIRUSHERO]
An escaped viral lab experiment that evolved into a useful member of galactic society, Enil-Nex’s rise to sentience moderated its drive to control and consume into a simple desire to survive. Learning that through cooperation it could gain more than through conflict, Enil-Nex understood that its defensive skills as a viral entity (mutating forms, reacting to pathogens, building up resistances, allocating resources) translated surprisingly well when using Dust, rather than biological life, as a vector for its actions. Now a Hero skilled in planetary defense, it is well-liked and -respected (though rarely hugged).
Pilot – Adventurer
- Labour: 1
- Wit: 1
- Melee: 3
- Offence: 7
- Defence: 3
Originally a pirate, her passionate attacks on the United Empire earned Serena the title "Empress of the free Terrans" among her crew. However she eventually ended up stranded on an arctic world with few provisions after a mutiny by her first mate. It was here that she was rescued by Pilgrim explores and quickly embraced their beliefs before proving herself one of their most cunning explorers.
Commander – Adventurer
- Labour: 2
- Wit: 8
- Melee: 0
- Offence: 5
- Defence: 2
We'll reveal more things before the release this Wednesday. Have a nice weekend!