Hi everyone,
We were glad to read the comments on our Harmony guide. We actually thought it would be cool to reveal a few heroes today, including the Harmony one. His biography is pretty interesting and it will probably answer a few questions some of you were wondering.
Unlike many elements of the Harmony, who were completely disoriented by their contact with Dust, this one was intrigued rather than confused by the sudden onslaught of individuality and the need to generate productive work. A thinker and philosopher, it was eager to try out bizarre social constructs like having a ‘name’ and doing a ‘job’. Now a scientist specializing in waves and particles, Ponders uses its instinctive and inductive thought process to feel the movement of galactic bodies and sense the shape of galactic matter.
Corporate - Adventurer
- Labour: 2
- Wit: 7
- Melee: 2
- Offence: 2
- Defence: 2
Though a member of a society known for industrial efficiency, Dar-Omnis’ interests lay in the psychology and motivation of sentient beings – whether animated by blood or circuitry. This Automaton studied social structures and networks in order to discover the secrets of leadership, motivation, and the development of sentient relations. Studying Dust networks in the lab one day in search of greater understanding of resilient interactions, Dar-Omnis was exposed to a high concentration of dispersed Dust. Now its advanced emotional intelligence is combined with an ability to make faultless decisions, making it an extremely efficient leader.
Administrator - Commander
- Labour: 4
- Wit: 0
- Melee: 3
- Offence: 3
- Defence: 5
Another set of heroes for tomorrow (and I love what our artists are doing as much as you!) so stay tuned!