The new patch for Endless Space should be available by any time now, but here's a little explanation on our changes, in addition to the release notes.
The Harmony
Changes done in order to resolve their issue of starting systems way slower than the other races and thus making them more competitive we added a new ability.
Harmony now gets a 2 FIS bonus on their system for each orbiting ship up to 2x the CP max. It helps them to compensate the buyout and to profit from the lack on upkeep of their fleet by either cheap ship in early to accelerate the development or later defensive fleet to keep a considerable bonus with the end game CP limit.
The Vaulters
In first place, Vaulters were immune against disapproval but it was not fun enough. So we added a little gameplay twist; now only system with Portals are not counted for the expansion disapproval and the counter part is that the expansion disapproval is 3 times stronger for a Vaulter.
Still too easy huh? Well, to reinforce the defensive aspect of the Vaulter, the Portal can now only be built on a system with 100% ownership.
In addition to that, we modified their unique improvement: now, only one is needed in the Empire and it will produce 1% of Science on Empire per Portal. The counterpart is, the construction of the building reduces by 66% the Science on all systems.
Have fun! We’re looking forward to reading your feedback on those changes.
- Implemented the new Harmony Resonance bonus: + 2 FIS / ORBITING SHIP UP TO 2x CP MAX
- Added a new property to manage the dynamic cap of Harmony new bonus. This property is shown in the affinity tooltip (2*Max command pop)
- Added new localisation key for Harmony affinity to explain their new bonus
- Increased the reduction on civilian modules for all colonization hulls
- Expansion Disapproval multiplied by 3 for Vaulters
- Systems with Portals aren’t count for Expansion Disapproval
- The unique Vaulter improvement (the Portal particle screen) now takes 15 turns to be built
- The unique Vaulter improvement provokes a loss of Science
(- 66%) during its construction
- Only one unique Vaulter improvement is needed to generate Science
from all the Portals
- Added new properties to manage the gain of Science
on Empire from Portals
- Fixed an Alliance bug when in some cases making peace with another Alliance was impossible
- Fixed an issue on the creation of an Alliance in the multiplayer between two human players, when one is already in an Alliance
- Fixed a bug regarding creation of colony ship when using the "Wasted Space" trait
- Fixed a bug on the prefab of the Hissho Colony ship
- Fixed the Vaulters appearance title and tooltip description from the custom race menu
- Fixed bug where the teleportation FX of the Vaulters was played even if the fleet didn’t move
You can find the modding release notes for 1.1.42 here.