Hey guys!

It's October already! Paris Games Week has appeared on the event horizon, and in case you were wondering, we will indeed be present from October 28th to the November 1st! More details over the next couple of weeks, but we can already say that we would be delighted to see you, especially if you were to bring us baguette on the booth.


We last asked you to choose which game design document you wanted to discover next on Endless Space 2, it's time to announce the results! You had the choice between Battle overview, Galaxy exploration and Politics & Senate, and by a fairly wide margin with 744620 points, you chose to learn more about Galaxy exploration first!

The next document to be unveiled will be Battle overview, and then the Politics & Senate.

As always, thanks for voting.


This week, we're asking you to participate in the creation of the first Cravers hero! This hero has the two following attributes: Pacifist and Adventurer.

The characteristics of the Hero will be split over several votes, and firstly we're asking for your preference in terms of origin story:



The next votes will feature physical appearance, and then character traits.

Go forth and vote, for the hive needs to feed: GAMES2GETHER