Harmony leader
Hi all,
Well, it seems we are coming to the polishing phase of Endless Space Disharmony, our first expansion pack, and the release is scheduled for June 26th. The changes in the game are huge, and I have to say I can’t wait for all of you to play it.
First of all, I want to give a big thumbs up to our VIPs who were a big help in completing this pack, especially as the format of such an expansion does not really allow for a public alpha. The VIPs have even played multiplayer games with the dev team, and I have to say they humbled us in terms of scoring during these games
The first big change you will notice is the Harmony faction, which brings new gameplay, universe background and gorgeous new ships. On top of that, we have completed the Automaton faction, designed by the community, with deluxe spaceship models and narration.
The other big change is the massive rework on the battle system, to which we added fighters and bombers, flying space with quasi-realistic-sci-fi flight models, killing each other in dogfights, raiding capital ships. Well, you have to see it Also we have added numerous options to ship design, battle formations, clarified battle report, etc.
The game AI has been also greatly improved by adding a complete new subsystem to handle diplomacy. This is based on an Autonomous Multi Agent System. I know, that sounds kick ♥♥♥ This system is replacing a “rules based” diplomatic behavior by a cluster of cooperative agents, handling decisions with more consistency and persistency. It was a challenge to add this on an already released game, but we are very happy with the result so far.
In order to avoid community fragmentation, we have also merged the Admiral and Emperor edition, meaning that from June 26th, everyone will be able to play the Sheredyn faction (for which we integrated a new introduction movie) and the Endless Hero. But the G2G points and awards of the original Admiral owners will remain unchanged.
On top of all that, the game has been fixed and improved with many smaller elements, for the most requested by the community. I want to state again that this game was built with the community, and improved to a higher level thanks to the community. Big hug to you for your trust and commitment. This has allowed us to develop Endless Space to its full potential. Also the strong sales of the game (we are cruising towards 350,000 units) have allowed us to expand the company and work on other stuff. But that is another story…
I hope you have a blast playing the expansion pack!
More details on the content and pricing here.