Hello everyone,

We wanted to thank you for the past few months of Alpha feedback and suggestion… as you can see on the main list where we track your feedback, there is a lot of things to follow, and quite a lot already addressed: [G2G] Endless Legend's List of Community Feedback .

Now that we have reached beta, we wanted to share with you how we see the final sprint to the finish line.

Remaining content

Here is the content we will deliver during the Beta that is missing for the final game:
  • Two last Eras
  • Two last major Factions
  • Two last minor factions
  • The tutorial
  • Custom factions

Content that may be available post release

The faction competition, although it ended in something quite unique and amazing, arrived a bit late in development, and we are not sure we’ll be able to release the Cultists the day of the actual release. If we can’t we release it a bit later.

We’ll keep you posted but here's something that should keep you waiting: a concept of the Cultists, based on Telum's visuals.

Next Update

We will do our best to release our next major update before the end of the month. If need be we’ll do a hotfix before.

Balancing the Game

While we are finishing these elements, we will focus mostly on balancing and stability issues, and as you know the game is huge so it will be quite a challenge! We need you guys, to report your balancing thoughts, and Meedoc has started a thread there on this matter so check it out: Community Feedback on Balancing.

The more you will help us to tune the existing, rather than adding new stuff, the more we can reveal that jewel in the rough.

Shaping up the AI

As you know, another challenge with 4X games is the AI. We are quite a lot working on it, but the more we learn on how you play the game, the better we can teach the AI: how do you react against other players? Why? How do you win a military campaign? How do you explore? How do you choose expansion over development? What are your unit designs? Once again, it's only thanks to your feedback and even more tests on our side that we'll get closer to the result that we want.

Releasing the Game

You often ask us when do we plan to release the game. It's always tricky to reveal an exact date, but we discussed it lengthily with the team, and we came to the conclusion that we should do everything we can to release before the end of the summer. And we'll do our best to release the Mac version then as well..!


First we believe the game is shaping up nicely and with 2 months of work we can do wonders. Secondly, if we don’t, there will be a flow of huge games coming out that will totally bury us under a pile of AAA marketing assault, leaving no time for journalists and player to hear about us...

As you know, for us the release of the game is only the beginning of a new life, where we can expand in making of Endless Legend the most epic fantasy 4X game we have ever played!

We can’t wait to read your feedback for that last straight rush to the finish line, but thank you all in advance for your precious help.
