Crying (or hiding from the camera)
Nah, just kidding.
Yesterday was quite a busy day! First day after the "Rise of the Automatons" add-on release and lots of feedback for us. Thank you again for your support.
There has been some issues though, which we did not expect: the save incompatibility between the previous and current version. Indeed, back in the Beta (I believe), something similar happened and we took the same measures: posting the information on the different channels we had available to us (the release notes, our social networking websites, the forums, and some news website mentioning the add-on release). Despite our efforts, some of you missed the announcements, resulting in hours and hours of game gone. We are gamers too, and we know some of you must have felt really disappointed or angry.
The morning after the release, we all worked hard on trying to find a solution to bring back those saves into the current game, despite the incompatibility. Our QA testers will try a fix, the team has been working on, very soon; we will keep you guys informed on that, we hope to have something ready next week, so please, if you would like to finish your previous game, do not throw away your old saves.
Apart from that, we also announced the G2G winner: More Ambience in the Galaxy Map. By far our community's favourite choice, this should be implemented in our 2nd Add-On. The new vote is also up since last night, offering as usual three choices:
- Construction Queue: the ability to order and hide some improvements
- Exploration Rewards: there will be rewards on some systems that can only be earned by the first to reach them.
- Keyboard shortcuts: suggested by our community several times, on the "Design Proposals" subforum, to quickly access several screens, cycle through fleets, etc.
And just now, we just released a 1.0.26 hotfix which aimed at solving an issue on the auto saves created after 1.0.25.