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Faster way to get my G2G key for Disharmony bought in GamersGate?

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11 years ago
Aug 3, 2013, 9:16:47 AM
When I bought Disharmony on GamerGate I registered in Steam, and installed the whole on my new OS (OSX Lion). I clearly saw the 4 CD keys.

But few after I used the Classic button to check something and came back to Disharmony few after and since then Steam only shows me 3 CD keys not the Disharmony key.

So I wonder how to process, report to Steam or GamersGate or Amplitude? Probably not GamersGate which only provided the Steam key. Steam is logical but they are so slow so I try first to ask here an advice.

EDIT: An important element is in my list of DLC in Steam I don't see anymore Disharmony but it's here available and if necessary I can provide the GamersGate key even if now it is obviously used... by myself.
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11 years ago
Aug 3, 2013, 10:32:15 AM
Ok that's a Steam Disharmony OSX specific bug. I checked a windows Steam client run through emulation and could see here the DLC in the list so could see the corresponding CD Key, still see nothing with Disharmony OSX.

EDIT: And right at the time I registered the key in Amplitude I didn't get any answer, Amplitude site had crashed right at the exact same time.... Sometimes you could wonder if some computer, programs or ecrap don't hate you. :-)
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11 years ago
Aug 3, 2013, 11:20:18 AM
Well, be sure to write Steph'nie a pm with the keys and statement of the problem.

Amplitude had a week of company-vacation, so she'll have a bursting inbox, but she's the only one who can help you with the keys.

Regarding your problem with OS-X not showing Disharmony: Can you still play it or do you just not see the key? smiley: confused
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11 years ago
Aug 3, 2013, 12:04:48 PM
Yeah I can play it and didn't bother until I learned there was some G2G votes running, it's an old bug.

I just tried remove and install again the game, still not in DLC list in OSX so no key, but installed.
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