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Use of endothermic structures

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10 years ago
Dec 7, 2014, 4:40:24 PM
This system improvement gives +2smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on tiny and 1smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on small. Not sure about the overpopulation mechanism, so my question is: should we build this as soon as possible to "make more room" and reduce the overpop effect at the cost of dust, or there is no impact on the overpopulation happiness malus, and therefore we could perfectly wait until the system is full or almost full to create this additional room?

Any other insight on this technology?
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10 years ago
Dec 8, 2014, 1:04:07 AM
As far as I can remember the Overpopulation malus works in such a way that the more people on a planet the worse the malus. Therefore it doesn't matter how much extra room you have the malus will stay the same, and increase when you fill the extra room.

I am pretty sure that is right but I honestly haven't played as anyone other than the Harmony (I hate the happiness mechanic) for about 3/4 of a years so I could be wrong.
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10 years ago
Dec 8, 2014, 9:02:40 PM
Thanks! So if I understand well, a way to lower the overpop malus is rather to colonize another planet in the system rather than extending its available space, right? (All things being equal on other parameters of course, that asteroid malus will not help with hapiness for sure!)

This is something i found observing the AI opponents: they are extremely fast at colonising all planets in a system, I tend to go pick the best systems first then develop the internal planets, and by the time I have more or less captured the systems I can get (around turn 50 more or less), the AIs around me have fully colonized systems all over their space and quite a significant FIDS and smiley: stickouttongueopulation: advantage over me. This puzzles me as there is no way I could produce that much colonists unless that's the only thing I produce, and would generate a huge negative smiley: approval due to so many planets with negative fundamentals and anomalies. I guess the AI is boosted and has an early advantage?
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