Many player mentioned, that you have to build ships and fight at some point of the game.

I just would like to report, that its possible to play and win a game (wonders) without any fight and in that special case, without any fighting ship built in the whole game.

My game options were:

shape: Spiral - 4

size: small

empires: 6

age: normal

difficulty: normal

adv. Options: no pirates, economy win disabled, rest default

without Disharmony DLC

My race: Amoeba

Opponents: Horatio, Hissho, UE, Amoeba (died), Sophons (died too)

As i read some reports and opinions, i expected to been run over by the AI, coz of my weak fleet (0 ships). But it never happened and my opponents never started a blockade at my systems.

In the end i thought about going the whole way for a science victory, but i decided not to overload my luck and went for wonder victory.

After 187 turns, i had 7 planets with ecstatic approval (only one outside my spiral, behind the wormholes), with an 100% tax rate, with 5k+ dust (incl. 2.5K form trade routes) and 9K+ research (incl. 1.5k from trade routes) each round.

I didnt say, that every game can be played that way, esp. at harder difficulties. But if you like to play it this way, here are some hints for you:

- your starting systems and the the systems, that connects your part of the galaxy to rest (i had two) should have many planets and population.

- try to get contact to the other races quickly, to get friendly relationsships and peace

- in the warfare technology tree i focused at planentary defences I had over 10K+ defense at my border systems

- trade routes were a very, very nice boost for my economy... 7 at my base system (with hero abilities) and 19 overall.

It was just a nice experience overall and so i send a big THANK YOU to the developers.