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Next Endless Game (my wishes/sugestions)

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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 5:12:44 PM
Although I wouldn't be here if I did not love Amplitude's games, I think there is a lot to improve about their current games. Keep in mind, I am talking only DotE and EL, because I have not played ES. I hope they keep working on these games for at least one more paid expansion on both games before dedicating their time to the next project.
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10 years ago
May 12, 2015, 5:27:50 AM
I just want a full Mass Effect mod with all Mass Effect races, to include Reapers.

Legitimately though, things the developers could make better, I would like to see more tech possibilities.

It seemed like everything reached it's ceiling too soon. By the time you get the cooler ships and weapons the game is pretty much over. I think more ship classes and weapon systems earlier in game would create more variety and improve the gameplay both as a PC, but would also improve the quality of the AI.

Customization would also be a major step, customization of ship design, customization of maps, and customization of rules would go a long way and let players invent their own preferred method of playing. Maybe someone would like to see what it would be like if they started out on a map in which the other factions had 10-12 systems and they only had 1, but had advanced tech, something along those lines.

tl:dr more customization, more tech.
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10 years ago
May 10, 2015, 5:29:37 PM
g3istbot wrote:
I don't like the idea at all, and to me seems to go against every thing that made Endless Space great in the first place, and appealed to me. You don't need to over complicate the game by adding unnecessary additions to the space battle; because that's just going to take away from the rest of the game and make it far less fun to play...


rockmassif wrote:
I actually like the combat better this way. Since this is actually a 4X Space game, it makes sense that they kinda dodged a complex combat and focused entirely on the campaign map.

And I must say that Battle Card system isn't that bad. Better than not being able to control anything at all.


guys you dont understand. I was talking not about sequel Endless Space 2. I was talking about my wishes/suggestions for another,next amplitude game with a Endless word in a title

PS: by the way, since you mentioned original Endless Space battles.....in my opinion(humble of course xD), battle concepts from Sword of the Stars 1\2 or Total War games would be much more fun and dynamic for original Endless Space

Brazilian_Joe wrote:
OP: you mean a game like Sins Of a Solar Empire? a RT4X.

No no. I mean a game in RTT(Real-time tactics) subgenre.(check this article on wiki about RTT). I mean a game like Nexus: The Jupiter Incident(main inspirer), also like ST: Bridge Commander, ST: DSN: Dominion Wars, Faster Than Light(partially), Star Wolves...

PS: i linked some youtube vid's in text as examples of gameplay
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10 years ago
Mar 22, 2015, 3:56:48 AM
I actually like the combat better this way. Since this is actually a 4X Space game, it makes sense that they kinda dodged a complex combat and focused entirely on the campaign map.

And I must say that Battle Card system isn't that bad. Better than not being able to control anything at all. It's just that we need a lot more option and AI would be able to utilize that.

We can spray, focus on one or focus on 1/3 of the fleet but we can't actually focus the weakest ships or we can't focus on the ship with highest damage output or highest experience. These are much bigger problems in my opinion.
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10 years ago
Mar 9, 2015, 3:27:40 AM
I loved this game called escape velocity: nova by ambrosia sw.

It has become outdated but remains unrivalled in the genre.

I feel like the style of game would fit the Endless universe well.

Just wishing out loud smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Feb 27, 2015, 6:16:27 PM
I don't like the idea at all, and to me seems to go against every thing that made Endless Space great in the first place, and appealed to me. You don't need to over complicate the game by adding unnecessary additions to the space battle; because that's just going to take away from the rest of the game and make it far less fun to play (See Endless Legends).

Additional commands that can be supplied would be fine, and a welcome addition, but nothing beyond that. Instead focus more on the over encompassing gameplay and interaction between the players and A.I. - that's where the real improvement is needed. Things like Diplomacy, trade, technology, culture, etc. contribute far more to the core gameplay.
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10 years ago
Jan 29, 2015, 12:18:01 PM
Idaho wrote:
I wonder how long it will be before Amplitude announces their next project?

I'm assuming it will be a 'disharmony' like expansion for EL.

And after that I'm really hoping for ES2.

Yeah exactly my thoufghts too.

But i hope they fix and balance their current games out before thinking about a new big project. Also imho they should stick to things were they are good at and where they can use all the things they learned by ES,EL,Dote.
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10 years ago
Jan 29, 2015, 2:48:25 AM
Something like EVE but surrounding the conquest of ES age Auriga with more detailed ship customization than ES. Still with current races/factions. Rival fleets orbiting the planet trying to gain control of airspace and terrain. Missions to the surface starting from unmanned landers and rovers to full out troop deployment with only text-based reports. Territory lines on the planet in the background while battles and space action happens in the foreground. Real time ish gameplay divided or punctuated by reinforcements arriving or incremental resource gathering. So your short term goal is to survive or make as much progress until the next shipment arrives or whatever. Stop me if I'm describing an existing game.
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10 years ago
Dec 12, 2014, 12:56:52 PM
Not sure if i'm writing in right forum section, but still..


Since the last two in-development games was released "recently"(EL and DotE), i want to encourage developers to make their next "endless game" about spaceship battles in real time tactics(a rare RTT genre to nowadays).

It's can be about single spaceship or commanding small fleet(5-8 vessels). Also, in where we choose our ship or select the fleet, plus setup it various equipment/layout/installations, making upgrades and develop and hire the crew.

Crew should be separate on officers and "main crew". "Main crew" should be divided to specializations(engineers, securitys, crew of ship battle stations etc). Each of those crew lines should have their tree of trainings(skills) and able to gain experience(lvl-ups). ..in overall, also perform another, various managements.

About combats. During combat actions we should take some managements like 1)redirecting our energy shields and redirecting energy of the ship(on weapons, repairs, engines etc) 2)controlling ship speeds 3)possibility to direct our weapon systems not only on enemy ships in general, but also on subsystems of enemy ship(like on engine, sub-engine, weapons slots, EW, flak systems, sensors, life support, ECM etc etc). All this will add tactical depth.

main inspirers:





story,lore,plot: story in this suggestion game can be about one of the many Vaulter clan, seeking for a new homeworld


what do you think? smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 2:00:53 PM
Atleast an update with more emphasis on beginner players like me i.e more in-depth tutorials, novice campaign and an ingame encyclopedia about the Endless Universe. Yea I know you can search the internet but for quality of life sake, I know and believe Amplitude Studios can add such features.
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10 years ago
Dec 22, 2014, 2:06:42 AM
I would hope for a massive expansion for Endless Space - there is so much potential left in that game, they can't have finished yet! I mean imagine - new AI, new planet types (Paradise, Carbon, Storm, ect), new races, deeper colony managment, deeper space ship fights.

Hell, maybe just a sequel to the damned game. I want more.
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10 years ago
Dec 20, 2014, 9:16:50 PM
Tdoggs wrote:
The trick would be balance. Starcraft only has three races, but it is a beloved franchise. Amplitude should pick three races for the RTS. SHIP RTS stuff has been pretty weak lately. I can't think of anything good and only the Starwars empire game as bad. They over reached with bland space and land combat.

Subjectiveness is different per person.

As I have the opposite opinion to you.
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10 years ago
Dec 20, 2014, 8:05:09 PM
I wonder how long it will be before Amplitude announces their next project?

I'm assuming it will be a 'disharmony' like expansion for EL.

And after that I'm really hoping for ES2.
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10 years ago
Dec 15, 2014, 2:51:15 AM
The trick would be balance. Starcraft only has three races, but it is a beloved franchise. Amplitude should pick three races for the RTS. SHIP RTS stuff has been pretty weak lately. I can't think of anything good and only the Starwars empire game as bad. They over reached with bland space and land combat.
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10 years ago
Dec 12, 2014, 7:49:00 PM
Loose the damn ai ship spam!
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10 years ago
Dec 12, 2014, 12:58:58 PM
PS: sorry for cheesy english =) and mention of others(nexus,ST) games(cuz it's a easiest way to explain myself, for me).
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