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Hero ability for kinetic weapons?

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10 years ago
May 16, 2015, 2:07:24 AM
Really enjoying using heroes with my fleets. Question that I think I know answer but will ask anyways - is there any hero type or ability that increases kinetic weapon damage?

Reason I ask is with my commander/pilot - not sure which profession gives this tree of skills - but once I get a few upgrades done I'm offered the Tinkerer line of skills.

Tinkerer 1 = +20% min/max to fleet missile weapon dmg + missile defense

Tinkerer 2 = +20% min/max to fleet beam weapon dmg + beam defense

So cool, I 'm thinking there's one for missiles, one for beams, surely there must be one for kinetics? But I've gotten my hero to the max level 25 on another game and I've never seen a Tinkerer 3 option or anything that gives this min/max boost to kinetics, just the missiles and beams.

Is there another hero type maybe I just haven't tried to increase skills enough yet? I usually just take administrators for my colonies, and commander/pilot or just pilot if I can't get a commander/pilot combo.
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10 years ago
May 16, 2015, 2:11:46 AM
Trust me: Kinetics don't need a boost! You haven't missed anything; there isn't a "Tinkerer 3" for kinetics. However, (long-range) kinetics are the weapon of choice for many (most?), so this is probably a good thing.
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