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Trade routes oddity - lost gold by scrapping useless trade buildings

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10 years ago
May 21, 2015, 3:07:52 AM
To make my attempts at harder difficulty wins a bit easier, I'm doing a 1v1 match large galaxy. So I built trade route buildings that increased my cap + the trade route bonus buildings while the AI and I were still best buds - all the while of course me planning on stabbing him in the back before he could do the same.

So when war finally came around, I figured I'd save some maintenance gold because I thought those trade route buildings, now that I'm at war with the one and only AI in the game, would no longer be needed since all trade routes stopped when we went to war.

But I looked very carefully, and I saw that when I scrapped those buildings - sure I got the one time gold for the scrapping, but I also expected my net system gold per turn to go up a bit as well.

In this example, my home capital was at 1356 gold per turn before I scrapped the buildings. I scrapped a +1 trade route cap building and 2 trade route bonus % buildings. Yet my system net gold per turn went down to 1349.

Ok 7 gold per turn, no big deal. But this is odd, no? If all trade routes are halted at war - and in my game there's only one AI so there can't be anyone else I'm trading with, why did my system gold go down when I scrapped my theoretically useless trade route buildings?
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10 years ago
May 21, 2015, 3:13:06 AM
Argh, I'm an idiot. Found my own answer as I saw it happen again couple more times as I scrapped trade route buildings.

In my brain I was just thinking trade route buildings = bad = scrap them all!

But I just noticed one of the trade route series of buildings is the one that gives +1 cap to trade routes but also reduces system upkeep by 15%

Guess I gotta go build all of em again. Thank goodness for the new hotkey command to put any building you want to top or bottom of queue for all systems at once.

I just wish there was an auto scrap all of X building in all systems hotkey too.
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