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When enemy invades, invasion time not always shown?

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10 years ago
May 16, 2015, 3:21:35 PM
I must be missing something in the UI or just not catching where it shows the tooltip (hopefully).

TL'DR (more details below) - when enemy AI invades my system, I'm only ever shown either 999 turns to indicate they have zero siege weapons, or no timer shown at all to let me know how long I have to react.

When I invade an enemy, if I bring zero siege MP then in upper right corner of the system name box on the galactic map it says 999, which makes sense with 0 siege MP.


I bring siege MP and I'm shown some lower value like say 8-20 turns. Again great, I know how long it will take.

However, when an enemy invades me, I just don't seem to see how long it will take them.

a) If they are just blockading me with zero siege power, then I see the 999

b) But when I'm not shown 999, I don't see any other turn timer. Is this intended? I don't seem to see a count down to how long it will take one of my systems to go down if the aliens invade with siege power.

So basically, when enemy AI invades, all I ever know is a binary state of either 999-they will never take it, or No turn timer shown.
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10 years ago
May 24, 2015, 8:49:53 PM
When being invaded by the AI, I've routinely seen timers other than the one you listed (4 turns, 3, 8, 20+, whatever). I do not normally build any improvements that increase defensive value of planets, as I know I can get a fleet there in time to swat the enemy off, or if it's an emergency just buy out the relevant techs to delay things a bit. It may well be that they are just blockading, not invading. Did you get the tooltip that said an invasion was underway, or are they just in orbit with the circle around the world?

Also, if you want to know the progress, the invading army starts taking chunks of the circle in the color of their faction from the right side of the circle, and the invasion is complete when the circle is wholly in their color. I use that to routinely gauge the progress of AI allies taking planets, so I can let them have certain planets but broker peace before they take others that I want for myself lol

It *seems* to me that if you zoom in far enough to see the hashes of the circle, each segment is 5%, but it's impossible to know for sure because some of the hashes are obscured on the top. If it's not 5%, it's close enough to use that figure for approximation at least.
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10 years ago
May 24, 2015, 9:46:42 PM
Thanks for the answer. It might be an odd bug in my games from time to time. Because most or lot of times i do get the tooltip regarding invasion and do see a turn timer, but sometimes as in my OP i see no turn time value at all. The AI has tons of siege mp in their fleet and i am clearly being invaded (unless the AI is odd and it just decided to circle my planet with huge invasion mp but not actually use it)

I will look for the color circle, i never noticed that before. That would be a big help.
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