Still going through my race + race specific achievements so haven't gotten to play Vaulters yet, but I have conquered Vaulters plenty of times, and in doing so got the ability to portal from one vaulter world to another.

All well and good, but confused about something - is it intended that for short distance travel the Vaulters are kinda crippled? The game doesn't seem to understand that if I have vaulters worlds in close proximity, I could travel further/faster using just my own ship engines - than sacrifice all movement points to enter the portal. It seems like use of portals are not optional, but always used if your ship passes through that system.

example) conquered Vaulter systems A, B, and non-Vaulter world C laid out on a roughly linear warp line. Distance between each segment of A, B, and C are roughly equal. With some warp speed increase tech, my ship engines can go the distance from A --> B --> C , just fine and all in one turn.

However, I've found because these are conquered vaulter worlds, what my ship actually does is use one turn to enter vaulter world A (and stops), then emerges in B on turn 2, continuing with engine speed to my destination C.

e.g. takes 2 turns to travel the distance I could easily go in 1 ship engine travel turn.

If these were all vaulter worlds, then sure - I'd just enter A, and emerge from C. (with the slight negative that if my ship engines could actually go a little bit further beyond C, then I normally would - but use of vaulter portal negates that

So my takeaway here, is it correct that basically for really long distance travel, the vaulter portal is a really good thing.

But for a lot of your normal travel, the 80%+ travel we do in game - seems like vaulter worlds are useless when you conquer them and might as well scrap the portal building? (unless you happen to conquer vaulter worlds that are really far apart).

And if you start out as a vaulter player that can put portal in every world, it still seems what you are trading is short distance sacrifice (extra turn), for long distance teleport?