First off - all my own fault so I blame no one but me smiley: lol.png" alt="smiley: smiley: lol" title="smiley: lol" />.

But in my last game I was doing supremacy victory and as I usually do to avoid a lot of system micromanagement, after I build up a solid empire I just take over and burn to the ground using plasma raze any conquered system. I leave a few around to use a leap frog bases but then burn them down too once I get a foothold on other side of map.

Anyway, long story short - after I took over the last of an 8 empire, huge map game (was also chasing the achievement for last person standing in 8 empire game), the game didn't tell me I won. Confused, I looked around the map and was like, where is the one lone hold out?

And there was none - there was just my third or so of the galaxy, the entire rest of the galaxy depopulated except for 6 capital worlds I kept. Then my brain went me + 6 = 7. Does not equal 8. And had a sinking feeling as I realized i must have plasma razed one of the capital worlds by accident - and supremacy victory (the only victory type I enabled) requires owning all capitals.

So no problem I thought, I'll just go build a quick colony ship, land on that sucker - planet my flag and do the victory dance. But omg - no.

There is zero marker on the system that shows whether it is, was, or used to be a capital world. Again, all my own fault for burning it to the ground, but short of randomly settling worlds on the 2/3 of the huge galaxy map I had just depopulated to find that 8th former capital (and I don't even know if that would work - maybe game would think I just settled a normal world, not holding a capital world if I recolonized it) - I was out of luck.

So I gave up and while I got my last man standing achievement for killing everyone, I didn't get my Serious mode achievement win because supremacy was all I had enabled and I couldn't find that darn 8th former capital to recolonize (or know if that would even work 100%)

Out of random curiosity in my current game, if I survive, will try burning down 1 known capital world and see if recolonizing it counts as still holding a capital or not. The things you learn accidentally in this game, grrrr.