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Removing Systems?

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10 years ago
Jun 22, 2015, 5:41:31 AM
So, I was a newb, and just colonized everything I touched, and no realized that everyone hates me because of overpopulation with systems (WHich I think is kinda dumb, but whatev).

So I started evacuating, well, it seems that doesn't remove them entirely. I want to remove the systems I have, so I can be loved again .

Also, if you think I mis-understand how the system works, please inform me.
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10 years ago
Jun 22, 2015, 7:44:42 AM
Pilgrim has ability to evacuate the whole system included star improvement. I remembered that they also add a tech to all raze that can raze the system (Remove all population and star improvement from that system) and give you a colony ship with 1 pop. The tech is in military tree call Tesla something.
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10 years ago
Jun 22, 2015, 2:33:23 PM
sonepoxy2015 wrote:
So, I was a newb, and just colonized everything I touched, and no realized that everyone hates me because of overpopulation with systems (WHich I think is kinda dumb, but whatev).

So I started evacuating, well, it seems that doesn't remove them entirely. I want to remove the systems I have, so I can be loved again .

Also, if you think I mis-understand how the system works, please inform me.

The trick is not to get rid of people but rather to make them happy. Tech is the key, and there are a few ways tech can help:

1. Techs that let you build improvements to increase approval.*

2. Techs that improve your dust production, which allows you to reduce taxes.

3. Techs that reduce expansion disapproval by 22 percent each.

*Sorry I don't have time to look up the specific tech names but one gives you the (galactic?) supermarket and the other lets you build colonial rights. There are several others, but these are two key improvements in the early game.
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10 years ago
Jun 25, 2015, 5:42:15 PM
First the semi joke answer - they will love you when you've conquered them smiley: smile

To your questions though, there are two techs that go about doing exactly what you want - although yoi really only need one of em - Plasma Raze and Decon Drones

Personally, never found much use for decon drones - it auto removes and sells off all infrastructure but leaves your population. It gives you money for the sold infrastructure but it is the exact same as if you manually sold them off.

Whereas plasma raze is super useful - it always builds in 1 turn no matter how low your production, it automatically nukes all infrastructure and population after it is built in that 1 turn, and gives you a colony ship in orbit.

You can plasma raze any system - yours, conquered ones youd rather not administer, even enemy capitals (which imlearned the hard way then makes supremacy victory impossible but if you want you can plasma raze every capital)

So if you really want to try appeasing the AI by reducing your population/systems, then just research plasma raze, pretty low up on the upper military tech tree.

I find plasma raze lot more useful though to burn off conquered systems id rather not bother with administering, although lately ive found the automatic governors are really pretty decent so instead of plasa razing conquered systems i just set them to auto and rake in the free science/dust they generate once past the rebellion stage.

As i said, they will love you to death after you've conquered them...or they'll be plasma ashes.
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