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Ships not moving?

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9 years ago
Dec 17, 2015, 2:53:24 AM
I'm having a problem with the ability to move ships around the board. It makes the game very unplayable and frustrating. I've found a number of threads from years ago about how it would do something similar with the "shift key" but that doesn't really seem to help in my case. I'm playing on my laptop so I don't know if that's a problem either. Here's things that I've noticed:

1: I can put the ships on any of the predetermined options (Auto-explore, Blockade, etc.) but that's usually it.

2: Sometimes I get the option to move the ships with the dots going along the lines but it's only in the direction the ship is facing.

3: Sometimes I can shift+tab and when I come back it'll let me move but only as described in #2.

I'm not sure if playing on a laptop without a mouse and only a trackpad is my issue but I would think that wouldn't only give me one direction to go in. Does anyone else have any suggestions/fixes/knowledge? I really like the game but I won't be playing that much if I can't colonize my system due to being immobilized my a disabled feature.
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9 years ago
Dec 17, 2015, 2:40:38 PM
Endless Space doesn't have free moves between star systems, but movement progresses along predetermined lanes linking systems.

Ships cannot turn around between systems, but have to reach their destination first. You have to click on your starship and then on the system where you want to go (which can be pretty tricky as most star systems are pretty small unless you zoom in).

Does that answer your question? smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Dec 19, 2015, 12:16:28 AM
Well, that does answer my question on direction but a lot of times I will select the ship but have no options for movement even though I have full movement (x/x). Am I doing something wrong there?
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9 years ago
Dec 22, 2015, 4:54:36 PM
Would you happen to have a screenshot of such a situation? smiley: smile

It could be your ship is stuck in enemy territory, where it is forbidden from moving into an influence area.
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