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The game bugs and flaws (in my humble view)

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9 years ago
Sep 13, 2015, 9:40:55 AM
0. I always play the classic game, not the Disharmony DLC (because i don't like it). I don't appeal to the game freezes and other bugs that can be caused by my PC configuration and try to focus on bugs and design flaws that just waste the fun of playing the game that i think is a best turn-based space strategy since MOO2.

1. There is no reliable way (AFAIK) to command a fleet to fly directly from one star to another (assuming i have the tech needed). The Ctrl-clicks work sometimes but sometimes don't and i can't figure why.

2. There is no way (AFAIK) to check the distance between two stars without using a fleet (as in the MOO2 for example).

3. The popup detalization of a planet productivity is inadequate. For example, i have a Tundra planet with population 2 and heavy isotopes built. The planet production value is 19 and i know why: 5 (base) + 2x6=12 the Tundra population productivity + 2x1=2 bonus from isotopes. But the popup says i have "+7 from population +6 from type +1 from enhacements". I can't figure any correlation with the real game state in these digits.

4. There is no attention at the end of turn that some systems have no production in queue. There is also no default conversion for "wasted" production (as in the MOO2 for example). So i have to attend the conversion in the queue at every of my systems. That's very annoying in the big empire.

5. The pirate ships are too dark, so they are almost unnoticeable on the map. Many and many fun are wasted because i don't notice the pirates until it is too late to react. If you, the game designers, wish to make pirates somewhat "stealthy", please do this in a more appropriate way for a turn-based strategy, not based on my ability of pixel-hunting. Or just make pirates more brighly.

6. Sometimes the production queue change its behaviour, so the new production goes at the beginning of the queue instead of the end. I can't figure why.
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9 years ago
Sep 16, 2015, 3:35:35 PM
I've moved this thread to the General section, since the points you bring up are mostly feedback and not really tech issues.

To answer some of your points specifically:

1 In my experience, the ctrl+click waypoint is reliable, so I'd suggest making sure that no enemy blockades or changes in system sovereignty prevented your move.

2 You could if I remember correctly use Shift+click to bring up the movement overlay showing distance, but as you point out this requires a fleet, even if it does not move it (and can be tricky to use).

All the rest is valid feedback, and is definitely being looked into for Endless Space 2. I'm looking forward to it, and I think you should too! smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Sep 17, 2015, 1:16:50 AM
YHorror wrote:

6. Sometimes the production queue change its behaviour, so the new production goes at the beginning of the queue instead of the end. I can't figure why.

I figured this one out! I'm guessing you alt-tab out of the game a lot. When you do that, the last key you pressed (alt) remains pressed (as far as the game in concerned). Holding down alt when queuing an improvement moves it to the front of the queue instead of the back. To fix this, you just need to hit alt key.
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9 years ago
Sep 18, 2015, 4:16:37 AM
Things such as a measurement for the distance between 2 stars would be brilliant - I'm sincerely hoping this is implemented in Endless Space 2 - perhaps in the 'altered reality' (unsure of its name, the mode with all the stats) view. -- For the time being, I simply hold the right mouse from the fleet in question and count the circles -- not a sure fire way, sometimes I miscount, but it's better than guessing.

As for 'stealthy' pirates - I can recommend having scouts nearby your systems on the 'alert' command type (or is it 'wait'?). If a scout is on 'alert', it will become inactive if an enemy ship/fleet moves into its detection radius. (This makes it appear in the bottom left near the End-Turn button)

From what I've seen, the ship on 'alert' will also detect pirates that come into the detection radius of other ships/systems with which it shares a detection radius. (If the scout's detection radius touches another scout/system's detection radius, it will act the same as if a pirate entered its initial detection radius)

As for some of the other things, I bring your attention to the Empire Management screen: (the wreath in the top left) From there you can see everything to do with the systems, it's great when your empire becomes large - especially because you can set each system to a specific 'AI Governor', who will produce improvements and take actions based on what you set them as. They will also scrap improvements that no longer have a purpose (i.e. food production if the system is at maximum population) - There is actually an option in the 'Gameplay' part of the settings that allows this - I'm pretty sure that it's turned off by default.

Well, I hope those couple things are understandable, (not 100% confident with my language skills) and I hope they assist with your gameplay!
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9 years ago
Sep 18, 2015, 7:49:50 AM
SixThousandHulls wrote:
I figured this one out! I'm guessing you alt-tab out of the game a lot. When you do that, the last key you pressed (alt) remains pressed (as far as the game in concerned). Holding down alt when queuing an improvement moves it to the front of the queue instead of the back. To fix this, you just need to hit alt key.

Play a game for hundreds of hours and you'll still learn things... I usually play (very long) multi games in windowed mode, and I'm a frenetic multitasker. This should make my experience a bit easier! smiley: biggrin

Hiyouren: I've confirmed with the dev team that distance measurement (in terms of turns to get from system A to B) will be using a system similar to Endless Legend's, with the caveat that this only works insofar as you have already discovered the system, but not if it's still in the fog of war (see the screenshots we shared at Gamescom if you want a better idea).

Does this make sense? smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Sep 22, 2015, 2:36:19 AM
Frogsquadron: That sounds perfect - Thank you very much for that confirmation!
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9 years ago
Dec 26, 2015, 1:14:14 AM
Hiyouren wrote:
As for 'stealthy' pirates - I can recommend having scouts nearby your systems on the 'alert' command type (or is it 'wait'?). If a scout is on 'alert', it will become inactive if an enemy ship/fleet moves into its detection radius.
I know this, but why in the first place i need a special ship on duty to be warned that a hostile fleet appears in its radar range? My systems have radars, my fleets-in-flight have radars, my defensive fleets have radars also - so, why they don't send me warning like "Sir, pirates are in sight!"? Why i need to check the screen myself every turn, searching for almost invisible group of pixels? It is not the course of a good TBS. I am pretty sure about this.

Hiyouren wrote:
As for some of the other things, I bring your attention to the Empire Management screen: (the wreath in the top left)
Again, i know about Empire Management screen. It is very usable while all systems fit the list (that means 8 on my laptop). If my empire grows further, it become annoying to scroll the list every turn just to see if all the system have production in queue. Just one checkbox in settings "emty queue warning at end of turn" can save me from hours of scrolling and staring at the system list. Am i asking too much?

Frogsquadron wrote:
Hiyouren: I've confirmed with the dev team that distance measurement (in terms of turns to get from system A to B)
Thank you, but that is not what i desire for. You suggest the tool that measures "how mush turn the existing fleet A need to fly fron its current location to the system B?"

What i need is more simple but much, much more universal: "how many parsecs is between system A and system B?" If i have such tool then i can easily calculate how much turns will take the travel for my existing fleet, for my new-ship-in-construction or for hypothetical enemy fleet that i suspect at system B (assuming i know their speeds).
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8 years ago
Oct 14, 2016, 11:47:15 PM

Another one interface flaw that i wish to complain here is how the production queue management works.

You can click-and-hold an item to change its position in the queue. And you can just click it to remove it from the queue. So, there is a high possibility for you to mistake, and discard an item instead of just move it among the queue.

That is, discard. With all the production you spent for it before. Without. Any. Confirmation. Let me use some imagine to illustrate how wonderful such an interface design is...

What about a coffee machine that will give you a cup of tasty coffee if you tap-and-hold a button; but execute an immediately nuclear self-destruction routine if you just tap the button?

To be serious, isn't a good code of conduct to avoid an interface design in which a destructive action can be easily input by mistake and executed without a confirmation?

Thank you for your attention, especially if you are a developer.

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