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Feedback from first play

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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 11:14:42 PM
I have three real quick pieces of feedback that got me hung up in my first game:

-- It is not clear what ship can colonize a system. There is nothing clearly marking a ship as a colony ship. It took a lot of focus to figure it out.

-- It is not clear how to build a new ship. Eventually after awhile I figured it out. I figured it would be it's own management icon or in fleet management. I found it under System Exploitation.

-- When a ship is in a queue, you want to click on it to see if there are any more details about the progress but this removes it from the queue and destroys any progress made.

Here is some feedback regarding the general feel of the game:

-- I like the look and feel of the game and my only criticism regarding this area is I don't have a strong connection with my race. I never see any pictures of them colonizing or building things. I feel like when I do something like colonize a new planet or complete some notable achievement I should see a little card pop up on the screen with a picture of my race doing whatever it is that happened and a brief description.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 12:01:14 AM
My First Impressions

First....I know it is an Alpha and my point here is to help the Devs see what issues I came across my first 2 hours of the game.

Also to help other players who have the same issues.

--It took me an hour to figure out how to build ships...and I only discovered it by coming to the forums. I even went through the tutorial a second time (by starting a second game) and still missed it.

--I have also de-queued ships by accident as well. Maybe you can force users to remove something from a queue by dragging it out of the queue? I am not a big fan of confirmation pop ups so I wont suggest that!

--The wormhole I came across is not clearly labled, There was not a normal space lane but a sort of wispy trail going from one system to another. I only figured it out by going through research and realizing there was a different travel type and that is probably what I needed to get through that section of space.

--When entering a system with enemies there is no option to immediately retreat. Is this by design?

--I didnlt realize at first that each SYSTEM pools its resources (may have been in the tutorial but I missed it) so when I went to build things their is only ONE queue for the system and not one for each planet. Also when you colonize a planet in the same system (not using a colony ship) it moves population from your existing planet(s) to that new planet. It looks like it doest it in such a way that it is more beneficial for the entire system.

--It took me until the third battle to realize I could queue all of my "action cards" ahead of time...

--I like how combat takes place and for the most part the camera angles are nice but sometimes you get some bad angles and I wish I could see more of the action. It would be nice to have some sort of free roaming.

Overall well done...I am surprised it is being called an Alpha, it plays more like a highly polished beta (and i only say beta because I know there are features missing). I have already spent 2+ hours on the game and I can see myself spending countless more playing.

The UI is brilliant, so props to whoever did the design for that...one of the most intuitive and fluid UI's for a 4x game that I have ever come across.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 12:09:14 AM
Aside from tutorial stuff I wouldn't mind a confirmation when buildings/ships are deleted from the building queue.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 12:53:01 AM
Hexteque wrote:
I have three real quick pieces of feedback that got me hung up in my first game:

-- It is not clear what ship can colonize a system. There is nothing clearly marking a ship as a colony ship. It took a lot of focus to figure it out.

-- It is not clear how to build a new ship. Eventually after awhile I figured it out. I figured it would be it's own management icon or in fleet management. I found it under System Exploitation.

-- When a ship is in a queue, you want to click on it to see if there are any more details about the progress but this removes it from the queue and destroys any progress made.

I've found the turorial somewhat clear about colonisation. By being curious and trying to modify the basic colonisation ship you can see a colonisation module. So any ship fitted with it can colonise. It tooks me 30sec to figure everything out about colonisation...

I agree about the construction queue. That and not being able to switch two things or just prioritize one is anoying
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