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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 6:43:42 PM
You just played too much ES. You should let that to real gamers like us non-ninjas.

*Were my ill faith and jealousy blatantly obvious ?*
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13 years ago
May 3, 2012, 6:45:42 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
You just played too much ES. You should let that to real gamers like us non-ninjas.

*Were my ill faith and jealousy blatantly obvious ?*

Yep. But I thought tired swedish ninjas just weren't motivated with sufficient beer and cookies.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 2:50:12 AM
Nosferatiel wrote:
For the game nothing in that direction has been announced, yet.

Hm, I really hope there will be some information about that soon from the devs ... or a vote for it. smiley: stickouttongue
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 3:08:03 AM
killjoy463 wrote:
how does the achievement system work on here?

How would you expect it to work?

Not hard to brainstorm plenty of options:

-Win through each victory method

-Win as each premade race

- "Mix and Match" - Win with a custom race

- "Kicking It Up a Notch" - Win at a disadvantage (custom race with more malus than bonus)

- "Came From Behind" - Win at a severe disadvantage (custom race with severely more malus than bonus)

- "By the Bootstraps" - Win with no advantage (custom race with no bonuses)

-Win on each difficulty level

- "There Can Be Only One" - Win without ever making a peace treaty

- "Peace-loving" - Win without ever attacking another race's colonies

- "The Best Defense..." - Win without ever defending at one of your colonies

- Win on each map size

- Explore the entire galaxy

- Colonize every planet type throughout all game plays

- Colonize every planet type during a single game

- Research every tech in a tree

- Research all four tech trees, throughout all game plays

- Completely research every tech, throughout all game plays

- Have a planet produce at least xx science per turn

- Have a planet produce at least xx food per turn

- Have a planet produce at least xx production per turn

- Have a planet produce at least xx dust per turn

- "Baby Booming" - have a system with over xx% population growth

- Build one of every ship model

- Build a dreadnaught in a single turn

- Capture an opposing colony

- Lose one of your colonies to an invasion

- Destroy an opponent in war

- "Outgunned" - win a fleet battle in which your opponent had at least 25% more military power than you

- "Blitzed" - win a fleet battle while taking no damage

- "One of these days..." - Have a fleet battle end in a draw for the same fleet for 3 turns in a row

etc.etc.etc.etc. could make hundreds of these easily
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