I bought and downloaded the game yesterday and spent seven hours trying it out.

For and Alpha build, its very sturdy already, I played 300ish turns (Turtling and seeing how stable it was) and I had to quit for work.

Very nice AI too, when I got attacked, I saw it countered my weapons and attacked my weaknesses. VERY nice piece of work there. Going to try diplomacy next round, see if that adds up.

I did have some issues with the game not selecting planets, I had to open a fleet menu and select colonize for it to work. Then the issue with either selecting Auto combat or Manual combat kept occurring later in the game. Buttons would flash, but I couldn't select then.

For the combat sequences, they could use some umph. Two fleets flying next to each other while duking it out is cool, but maybe add another situation were the fleets are flying toward each other, nose to nose and have the close combat be when they pass. The sounds for the ballistic weapons sound cheezy, maybe a little more bass and thunder, if you add fighters/bombers to the mix, or even point defense, those kinetic weapons would fit right in with that style of weapon.

The combat needs more bass.

Are ya'll adding more hull designs? That would be ballin too.

So far, I'm not disappointed! I'll keep playing and let ya'll know how it goes