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Quill18 plays Endless Space

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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 4:56:04 AM
checked the forums, didn't see this posted yet.

Hey guys/girls, I was on youtube and it let me know that Quill18 made a Lets Play style video for this game (he titled it Lets Try: Endless Space).

Here's the Video: http://youtu.be/MM1AFpN6rh4

(fixed the link, works now).

Its 30 mins long, so he talks about pretty much everything that's in game so far. I haven't played the game yet so i'm not 100% sure if he went over every detail in game.

Just to make things clear, I'm not Quill18. I subscribe to his Youtube channel. He has some nice LP's of other games.


Here's another vid. by another Youtuber by the name of: OverloadUT

this one is 1 hour and 21 min.

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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 6:13:17 AM
o wow thanks for the fix, it worked on the steam forums so idk, but anyways thx.

I found another vid on youtube so ill add it to my first post.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 6:24:37 PM
No problem, i figured some people would like to see game play if they haven't gotten the game yet, to help them make the right choice lol.
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