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Strategems and tactics.

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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 2:39:46 PM
Hey all,

Alot of people are playing Endless space!!! A congratulations to Amplitude is in order.

Looks like it will be a great succes!

But since alot have been putting quite some hours into the game already, I wanted to ask people to their play style, choice of race and son.

So please tell me your choices and which victory you try to strive for.

I havn't had much time yet to play. Longest game went to turn 62 and was also my first game.

In the scores, the AI was humiliating me badly.

Soon I will have some more time to play a proper game to it's conclusion and will post my strategy to galactic domination.

But for now, enlighten us all on your galactic empires!!
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 2:50:50 PM
i am still on my first game as Sophons i am at about turn 120, so far i am at war and have been for about 20 turns with Horatio, its not looking good for me, heh my research is awesome though, i am still a little green with the game so i have no strategies yet,

But when i colonize a system i try to go for a terran or ocean planet first,

for all systems i colonize i always put the sustainability improvement in, then try to get my industry up decently and keep dust in the positive for that system, usually i put a food exploit on the first planet in the system to promote growth, once i get a second planet in the system i tend to change the first planet from food to industry exploit and put food on the new planet, once they have around 10 food for the planet i try to get a 3rd planet,

its really nice how u have to be careful with what u build in a system so u dont go negative with dust but have enough food to keep em happy while at the same time having enough industry to build ships at a decent speed if needed,

currently i have 5 systems colonized with multiple planets on all systems colonized, Horatio took one of my systems recently and i havnt been able to take it back yet as i am needing my ships to defend other systems for now, hopefully i can take it back soon before they get it fully reinforced as that system has 4 planets colonized in it and they are all med or larger planets so it will be a tough nut to crack in a number of turns
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 2:50:58 PM
I generally look at setting up a ring of colonised planets with booming industry, usually having a few planets in each system cranking out the same product. So I will have one colony just doing science, another doing mechanical ect. Then I set up a flotilla of ships for each planet, usually light cruisers; then build a larger navy and sally forth!
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 3:56:33 PM
I always strengthen my grip on my first solar system and then slowly expand through passive tech.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 4:21:46 PM
Last few games of mine have been we the Cravers. Provided I can gut a few pirates before I start getting into proper scraps with the other races I usually have a tech advantage. I focus on building a lot of cheap and nasty ships with lasers quickly, that seems to handle anything the other races throw at me. I take as much land as I can get quickly, and hopefully by the time my tech advantage has been broken I have enough planets on side I can out produce the others.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 5:07:03 PM
Just finished my first game on default settings, 3 AI normal size galaxy. Took about 150 turns to win an expansion victory with Horatio (75% of the galaxy owned).

I started out expanding really fast for the first 50 turns - got to about 10 systems in that time. Then researched cruisers and made a bunch of 3 cruiser fleets to wipe out the Sophons on my half of the galaxy, they only had 5 systems and hardly any ships so were a push over.

The second AI promptly declared war on me as I had expanded up to his borders. this guy was a bit harder, had most of his half of the galaxy owned with the 4th AI pinned to 3 systems in a corner. His fleet size was 13 to my 7 so I lost a lot of engagements despite having many more ships total.

I made a foothold into 3 of his systems and then had to sit back a few turns while I researched fleet size and rebuilt my fleets, after that I just rolled over him and won as I was mopping up his last couple of systems.

Still haven't really played around with the ship configurations much, the AI seemed to go with lots of HP and minimal armour with a random weapon type which worked quite well as an all round ship type. I had different ships with heavy armour of one type in fleets and would either get destroyed or untouched depending on whether the enemy used the weapon I was strong against so definately some room for rock paper scissors tactics if you can get the intel on the enemy composition ahead of time.

Going to try a harder dfficulty game to see how that shapes up next.
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 6:04:40 PM
Trying to go for a Science type victory on the default settings playing as the Sophons. (my first game ever)

I'm currently expanding very quickly (my usual strategy from the Civ games) while trying to keep up a decent fleet. I've made quite a few mistakes just learning the game so I seem to be a bit behind the AIs in military power at this point.

However... I got a very large advantage just from starting placement... I'm all alone in about 1/3 of the galaxy and the computer players all started very close to each other.

I haven't had much success with Diplomacy so I'm at Cold War or War with everyone.

I guess I would reiterate my assumption that the best way to play against AI when you are still learning to game is to quickly expand and seize systems ASAP. I'm spread pretty thin though so we'll see how that works out for me!
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13 years ago
May 4, 2012, 6:49:38 PM
Playing the United Empire at the minute in a 5 AI normal sized map. Currently at turn 121 and doing well in most areas, in spite of the Horatio and Cravers being at war with me for most of the game. Who knew taking a few planets would annoy them that much.

Anyway went for early wormhole tech via destroyers + lasers so sitting on 15 systems (6 conquered) swear the AI doesn't bother countering lasers until 40-60 turns or more in. Also got a level 20 admiral so can annihilate larger fleets easy if i use a combination of Dust barrier, Emergency shelter / Ultimate Defense and Nano Repair in battles. My main systems are mostly churning out battleships now to try and take a few more Craver planets since they seem to be the closest threat in this game.

Strategy wise seems to be just expand as much as possible like others have said, long as you keep up in research and have a nice admiral you can hold your own pretty well. Oh and spamming out corvettes filled up with S2G kinetics makes conquering planets a lot quicker.
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