Hello everyone! This must be the most surprising game this year for me. Seriously. I was utterly surprised by how awesome this game is. This is what I want out of 4X game. Slick interface. Good looking aliens and easy to use, hard to master features.

Just so you know. I'm not here to bash. I'm not here to tell the developers what to do. I don't think I have the right. I simply want to ask a few questions and add a few suggestions.

Different types of travel.

Having different types of travel. ( Yes I know not all races have been announced ) will help make some races different than others. So far they all seem a bit bland, other than those robot things that can't make peace with anyone, which makes them a great villain! Also I find it very interesting that you might possibly starve them out. But having say.. Teleportation gates. Where a race only uses them to travel. Or.. A race that have to build their own lanes to travel. Or maybe even a race that has to have several ships in a group, and that makes them travel faster. Would be interesting stuff.

Voice over.

Having a voice that tells you about things, says something when you order a ship. Build something. Helps to make the race different from other races. It just makes the game feel more alive.

Easier to use tech tree.

I like the tech tree so far. But I just que up a bunch of stuff and I don't think about it untill it tells me those are done. I don't work torwards anything. So having a clearer goal of what is what. And what they do. Could help. Like.. This increases this, and that? Not sure. I might just be lazy.

Being able to go from planet view directly to tech tree.

Sometimes it says " You can't do this because you don't have this technology" And then I have to go look through the tech tree just to see what's what, and where it is. If I could just press it. And then go to the tech tree. Where that technology is highlighted. Much easier!

The ability to directly purchase a ship.

I que up things. I don't seem to purchase anything? Might be that it just takes that amount away from the next turn. But I would like to have the ability to spend some extra cash to directly purchase it.

Not having to go into planetary viewmode to create a fleet.

When I build a ship. I have to switch screens. Seeing how I build several ships on many different words. This becomes a bit of a hazzle. If I could select the system and then just make the ships in the hangar turn into a fleet. Would make the game much slicker.

Having a overlay of how much food you need not to have your citizens starve.

The ability to see that from the universe screen. Actually any thing that your citizens need to be happy should be there.


When an enemy ship is on it's way to your planet, Meeting a new race. Etc. Having a little popup for that would be fantastic.


Most games these days over look this. But one of the most famous 4x games had this. The ability to be good, evil or neutral. This might be all from do you decide to tax X planet harder than the others because there is more food there. Or.. Do you decide to slaughter all of the inabitants of X planet when you take it over. Or let them stay. Or force them to leave.

History. Racial traits. Arcitecture. Poetry. Art.

When you get your favorite race. Reading about them helps you immerse within the universe. Having things you can read about them. How they behave. What kind of society they're in. ( I know they already have it. But having more would be awesome.) How they treat their women.. How they treat their men. Easy to do, fun for many.

Letting you create your own race.

This is usually harder I guess.. But it seems you already have this system in there. Letting us create our own, would be pretty great. I guess the ship design stuff would make it a bit more difficult.. But.. Perhaps a DLC in the far future?

Keep up the good work. You guys seem awesome. I've never seen such a solid alpha. Nor that you involve the community in deciding things in the game. It's fantastic. And I really hope you guys do great!