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Horatio Cloning Heroes

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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 1:26:05 AM
Cloning Heroes seems to be one of the most powerful abilities in the game. Assuming you start with a good Corp + Admin hero you can clone him for each system, long before your opponents will have good admins. On the flip side, you can clone a bunch of pilot + commanders and have excellent fleet commanders, again, long before you opponents will.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 1:49:59 AM
MaterialDefender wrote:
Would help make up for that horrible debuff on ship building.

+1 man. good point.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 2:46:34 AM
They have a racial tech upgrade on the left side of the tree that increases that maximum.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 3:30:59 AM
Malik wrote:
Cloning Heroes seems to be one of the most powerful abilities in the game. Assuming you start with a good Corp + Admin hero you can clone him for each system, long before your opponents will have good admins. On the flip side, you can clone a bunch of pilot + commanders and have excellent fleet commanders, again, long before you opponents will.

I always get 3 heroes ASAP so somewhere around turn 10 or so, they end up being very close to each other in terms of levels so clone tends to be completely useless until I raise the academy cap. I guess I would use it if I didn't like one of the initial 3 heros, like one with double admiral skills.

edit: I always go all corp/admin because my pilot heroes would always, always, always end up at the wrong end of the battlefield. Reviving them gets punitively expensive too. \/ \/ \/
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:45:43 AM
I don't know, having a mix of heroes I find amazingly important, so I don't clone unless I get shafted in the heroes available to me at the start. Having a mix of Corp+Admins to start up colonies quickly with the industry buffs, adventurer pilots to hack the enemy scanners so you know what they are up too, commanders to do all the fighting for you, ect, seems much better than just having a huge mess of the same guy.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 7:10:21 AM
The cloning ability of the Horatio's is a nice touch and I like this it adds to the flair of this race.

But it should be only limited to the Horatio-race heroes in my opinion.

And every clone is too perfect and that feels wrong.

There should be some risk involved.

Example : An accident while cloning and the clone is a retard or has amnesia and is a blank copy result.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 7:17:49 AM
2guncohen wrote:
The cloning ability of the Horatio's is a nice touch and I like this it adds to the flair of this race.

But it should be only limited to the Horatio-race heroes in my opinion.

And every clone is too perfect and that feels wrong.

There should be some risk involved.

Example : An accident while cloning and the clone is a retard or has amnesia and is a blank copy result.

Was thinking the very same thing. Great minds think alike.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 7:23:02 AM
Little idiots too smiley: biggrin

More seriously... What would be fun... You clone a level X hero which costs some nice sum of dust but with the potential for failure, resulting in getting only a level 1 hero. smiley: smile (or is it what you meant 2guncohen and Inquisitioner?)

And it offsets nicely the ship costs, which is a bit of a pita. smiley: smile

Inquisitioner wrote:
Was thinking the very same thing. Great minds think alike.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 12:00:52 PM
sahneknuffi wrote:
Due to the limit on Academy-slots I don't think this ability is a big deal.

Hm. Having leveled one administration/corporate hero, then cloned him summarily and put him on each 20+ population system, I got quite a bit of boost. Also leveling only one fleet commander, then in the endgame cloning your lvl 20 hero and putting him on the head of each fleet out of your superheroadministrator-governed planets can give you quite an advantage.

I'm happy with the horatio affinity trait as it is, so far.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 1:06:03 PM
Sharidann wrote:

More seriously... What would be fun... You clone a level X hero which costs some nice sum of dust but with the potential for failure, resulting in getting only a level 1 hero. smiley: smile

I like this idea. It's hard to say at this point whether this is going to be balanced but still Hissho's increased weapons damage seems to me less powerful compared to Horatio's cloning capabilities which when done right could lead to all kinds of boosts all over your empire.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:28:55 PM
Raptor wrote:
I like this idea. It's hard to say at this point whether this is going to be balanced but still Hissho's increased weapons damage seems to me less powerful compared to Horatio's cloning capabilities which when done right could lead to all kinds of boosts all over your empire.

Especially with hyperactive heroes (reduces waiting for reassignment of your hero to 1 turn). Say you've got four fleets for the four corners of the universe and one superhero, lvl 20. You can clone him once, then your academy space is depleted. What you do then: Assign your two superheros to two fleets, bash into the most dangerous mass of enemy fleets, win a lot of fights in a row, start invading, reassign your heroes next turn and do the same to the other side of the universe. Repeat.
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