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List of Interface and Balance issues

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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 2:39:28 PM
Interface Issues

Higher resolutions:

- I play on 1920x1200 and there is a lot of empty space that could be better scaled up for things like production queues, available buildings, empire bonuses in the overview screen, etc.

Hero interface is clunky:

- The turn delay before heroes can be reassigned is not very visible. It exists only in a tooltip when you hover over the assign buttons.

- Inspecting/Assigning/Hiring heroes on the hero screen takes too many clicks in my opinion. At least add "if (hero_active && click_on_portrait) then inspect_hero()"

- I saw an option to clone heroes once, but could never find it again. Is this possible? (edit: Horatio ability, thanks)

Moving ships around:

- Right-clicking on systems is a relatively small hitbox.

Planet management:

- Adding a single building after a new research to 50 planets with prod->sci in their queue is really annoying. You have to add the building, remove prod->sci, and then add it again. Three ways you could fix this: 1) Drag & drop rearrange in queues, 2) Force prod->sci/prod->eco to be the last in list always, 3) Add an option for each planet to set whether it will spend extra production on sci or eco, then you never have to fiddle with that build option again.

- Clicking on population to move it is awkard due to the planets zooming in and out.

- Moving population causes the "next population growth" count to mess up. It will always say 1 turn and some % >100 if you move a population.

- If the citizens are on strike, turn the approval box outline red. This makes it more obvious that they're on strike if the approval is completely empty.


- Is there a hotkey list/key rebinder anywhere? I didn't see one.

- Make Esc on universe view bring up the Game menu.


- There is no way to tell exactly how well (in terms of speed) an invasion is going. Add some stats so the player can see the effect of adding special ship modules or leveling up their hero or adding more ships to an invading fleet. (edit: A progress bar isn't very accurate)

- Add a notification when an enemy fleet is blocking your invasion. It's annoying to get no progress for 3 turns just because you didn't notice a scout ship show up.


- Destroyed empires still exist in diplomacy (and possibly other places as well)

Victory conditions:

- Add a tooltip on the game setup screen to tell you what each of these conditions are.

- Add something (maybe on the empire overview screen) to tell you your current progress on each of the conditions.

Balance Issues

Ship designs:

- The difference between the weapons seems really "meh" right now. You can essentially pick a weapon type and it's exactly the same as all other types of the same tech level. Missiles may be slightly more powerful, I haven't used them enough to check.

- Reflective Armor + Intelligent Tools + Cruiser class (or better) is ridiculously over-powered. You can easily make a cruiser with 3000HP and 5 missile weapons that repairs 450HP every combat round.

Victory conditions:

- There's a lot of overlap between Expansion and Supremacy victories. This may be fine.

- Ease of victory conditions (except Diplomatic which I've never tried):

1) Economic (easiest by far)

2) Expansion/Supremacy

3) Scientific (too many distractions in the tech tree which makes this hard)

4) Score (I always get one of the other victories first)

5) Wonder (currently impossible smiley: smile)


- Dust is mostly useless. You only need a small amount to pay for cards, recruit heroes, and rush the occasional production (which has atrocious dust->prod factor). That being said, it is extremely easy to come by and makes the economic victory very easy.

- Researching feels slow. It seems rarely useful if ever to go more than 3 levels past your current research radius to get a specific tech. So most of the time I just queue up the next circle in research and leave it at that.

- Having no food conversion (until a really late tech) or population transport to different systems makes food pretty useless. I would recommend either adding a population transport to move population to different systems or convert excess food into dust. Both would make Horatio more viable (he's the weakest leader at the moment, except for expansion victories on Tiny galaxies).

That's all I can think of now. I'll either amend this post or make a new one if I come up with more.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 2:46:53 PM
Great feedback! Some replies.

- I saw an option to clone heroes once, but could never find it again. Is this possible?

Horatio race special ability.

- Right-clicking on systems is a relatively small hitbox.

Agree; I hope the devs will pick this up. Vote here:


- There is no way to tell how well an invasion is going. Add some stats so the player can see the effect of adding special ship modules or leveling up their hero or adding more ships to an invading fleet.

Usually there is a progress bar to tell you how many turns it will take. I think there is a bug which prevents this from always appearing.

- Dust is mostly useless. You only need a small amount to pay for cards, recruit heroes, and rush the occasional production (which has atrocious dust->prod factor). That being said, it is extremely easy to come by and makes the economic victory very easy.

Mostly I use this to retrofit ships. If I have beams, but I encounter an enemy with shields and no flak, I retrofit to missiles.

You may want to look in on the collected suggestions thread. Some of your ideas are covered there but I recommend you mention the other ones.

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