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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 12:02:21 AM
Kudos to the developers for designing what looks like the first proper inheritor of the mantle of MOOII. We shall pass over GalCiv and SotS in silence and as for MOOIII, it's UI was clearly designed in North Korea. By gibbons. On meth.

I've been playing around with the Alpha build, and one thing I'm finding, especially with larger games, is the unweildiness of scattered ships and fleets. I am constantly losing rack of colony sips, wich can be orbiting colonizable systems for several turns before I realise they'e arrived a their destinaion. Also, I find it difficult to gather fleets of the right strength together in one spot, especially iof he individual ships are being constructed all over he galaxy.

A waypoint system is probably neccessary, in which all fleets constructed in a system or systems automatically launch and proceed to a given waypoint, either a planet or a designated fleet. Perhaps if you could give construction orders from the fleet view, say you have a fleet worth 13 points and your fleet capacity is 15, might it be possible to have a construct ship button ordering a planet to consruct a ship worth 2 points and then have that ship automatically make its way to the fleet and join it?

I would love to be able to set up several waypoints at cerain systems and then order up ships to be constructed, proceed to the waypoins, and join together into a fleet.

And perhaps the colony ships I keep forgetting aout could be resolved by having an alert pop up saying "Colony Ship now in orbit around colonizable planet Esh" and give you he opportunity to colonise the planet without having to scroll around he galaxy to find Esh.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 4:22:04 PM
I like this a lot. I've often ended up with fleets with a few ships missing that I want to fill up. It'd be super handy to say 'build these two ships and send them to join fleet X when done'
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 4:27:09 PM
Concur on these points as well. As posted in other areas... notification system is lacking in:

No notification that build queues of systems are sitting idle.

No notification that research is sitting idle.

No notification that your systems (full colony or outpost) are under siege (be it pirates or other civs).

Colony ship arrival (I think MOO or MOO2 had auto colonize option?)
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 5:56:19 PM
Definitely needs waypoints, and an auto-embark feature (preferably on the per-system level) for newly created ships to hop out of the hanger automatically.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 5:58:09 PM
What I would like over waypoints would be something like:

1) click on a hangar and give it the number of CP at which the hangar creates a fleet automatically and then

2) send the fleet to a predefined staging area.

Would be like... a Godsend. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 3:18:48 PM
The game really needs this, ordering all fleets over the whole empire manually to move to a certain point isnt that fun.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 3:50:41 PM
tuatara wrote:
Kudos to the developers for designing what looks like the first proper inheritor of the mantle of MOOII. We shall pass over GalCiv and SotS in silence and as for MOOIII, it's UI was clearly designed in North Korea. By gibbons. On meth.

This one make me laught.

By the way, good idea for the waypoint. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:48:30 PM
tuatara wrote:
Kudos to the developers for designing what looks like the first proper inheritor of the mantle of MOOII. We shall pass over GalCiv and SotS in silence and as for MOOIII, it's UI was clearly designed in North Korea. By gibbons. On meth.

Don't talk about North Korea like that!
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