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Question on Morale of the Empire

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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 9:07:18 PM
Hey all sorry if this is a duplicate or has been answered I haven't seen it anywhere so I'm just going to go ahead and ask smiley: smile

Why is it that as your Empire grows you get a -1.1 (per SYSTEM!) from Empire score? I would think as your Empire blossoms and the system's population is happy you should get a POSITIVE point as it would be a sign to your people of progress and the manifest destiny of your people.

And to make it worse I didn't see anything that really counters this negative morale per new system effect so as my Empire expands it becomes increasingly harder to have HAPPY and productive populations on any new star system.

Please either fix this to where it's a POSITIVE thing that you have new systems (as long as that population is happy or content) or where there's a counter to the ever increasing negative effects of actually spreading your Empire which is the whole point of the game.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 9:13:01 PM
Rabiddog wrote:
Hey all sorry if this is a duplicate or has been answered I haven't seen it anywhere so I'm just going to go ahead and ask smiley: smile

Why is it that as your Empire grows you get a -1.1 (per SYSTEM!) from Empire score? I would think as your Empire blossoms and the system's population is happy you should get a POSITIVE point as it would be a sign to your people of progress and the manifest destiny of your people.

And to make it worse I didn't see anything that really counters this negative morale per new system effect so as my Empire expands it becomes increasingly harder to have HAPPY and productive populations on any new star system.

Please either fix this to where it's a POSITIVE thing that you have new systems (as long as that population is happy or content) or where there's a counter to the ever increasing negative effects of actually spreading your Empire which is the whole point of the game.

Normally this is

a) used for balancing, so no faction can easily get too big too fast.

b) a question of organisation and bureaucracy overburdening that gets more, the more there is to organize. This is the normal justification of a negative empire modificator for many settlements.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 9:15:27 PM
You get negative morale because your empire is growing wide and populated. Not every bit of your population will agree with your choices and demands, so naturally some of them will tend to be more unhappy about the situation as your empire grows. I believe it is specifically "overpopulation growth" and "expansion" which gives the negatives.

There are a TON of counters to negativity. Several luxuries affect happiness. Administrators can increase happiness and reduce overpopulation weariness. There are techs in the left tree that allow constructions that give +25% happiness, +30% happiness, +30% happiness/-50% overpop disapproval, +40% happiness / +5% happiness on lousy planets, +50% happiness / -50% expansion disapproval
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 9:15:41 PM
If you can expand so quickly you can usually afford to make them all happy too in my experience.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 10:31:39 PM
Why can't the drones just buzz in their hives like they're supposed to!

Now where did I put that nerve staple...
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 2:41:48 AM
sparhawk814 wrote:
Why can't the drones just buzz in their hives like they're supposed to!

Now where did I put that nerve staple...

I believe you left it back on Alpha Centauri...
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 3:16:48 PM
sparhawk814 wrote:
Why can't the drones just buzz in their hives like they're supposed to!

Now where did I put that nerve staple...

Sounds like material for one of the remaining three factions....devs? Perhaps a Klack...uh, I mean hive-mind-esque race smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 3:57:49 PM
Back to the OPs point, this empire wide decrease per system almost mandates that your early research has to be spent on at least one if not both of the colonizing planet type options. If you wanted to keep just your native type and expand to the systems that you could without researching that side of the tree, that negative makes it very difficult to do so.
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