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Com chatter oneliner

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 4:16:33 PM
Slar wrote:
I just want to say if they DO comm chatter, it has to be alot. Ie: not enough to notice a repeat, otherwise it gets irritating.

Anyone here played Homeworld 2? The chatter there was great without being too intrusive, i.e;

Mining Craft: "Resources exhausted, moving on"

Large ships upon Death: "Breach in starboard fusion chamber! we're going down! we're going- *explodes*"
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 9:52:32 PM
Whilst the humorous ones are pretty funny, I think it'd be cool if the game kept a more serious tone.

Maybe stuff like;

United Empire:

"In position."


"All vessels, weapons free."

"On my command; fire."

"Firing, full broadside."

"Orders recieved."

"Targets confirmed. Reduce these barbarians to scrap."

"Tracking targets."

"Target locked. Engaging."

"This system is ours. Burn it all."

"Boost shields, return fire."

"Firing all ordnance."

"Cannons primed. We will break them."

"All guns, on my mark."


"*sinister laughter* Fire."

"Ah, the symphony of destruction."

"Let the cannons dance!"

"They will learn; fire."

"Teach them pain."

"Let loose the hellfire!"

"Flawed, broken things. Erase them."

"They will lament my victory!"


"To strike first is the greatest honour; fire!"

"They will tell stories of this day!"

"Let them hear the thunder of our cannons."

"Succeed or perish! Fire!"

"They hide in their shells; break them!"

"Leave only ash!"

"Death before cowardice! Do not relent!"

"Fire everything!"

"Our ancestors watch; show them our fury!"

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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 10:18:43 PM
SalvorHardin wrote:
Whilst the humorous ones are pretty funny, I think it'd be cool if the game kept a more serious tone.

Maybe stuff like;

United Empire:

"In position."


"All vessels, weapons free."

"On my command; fire."

"Firing, full broadside."

"Orders recieved."

"Targets confirmed. Reduce these barbarians to scrap."

"Tracking targets."

"Target locked. Engaging."

"This system is ours. Burn it all."

"Boost shields, return fire."

"Firing all ordnance."

"Cannons primed. We will break them."

"All guns, on my mark."


"*sinister laughter* Fire."

"Ah, the symphony of destruction."

"Let the cannons dance!"

"They will learn; fire."

"Teach them pain."

"Let loose the hellfire!"

"Flawed, broken things. Erase them."

"They will lament my victory!"


"To strike first is the greatest honour; fire!"

"They will tell stories of this day!"

"Let them hear the thunder of our cannons."

"Succeed or perish! Fire!"

"They hide in their shells; break them!"

"Leave only ash!"

"Death before cowardice! Do not relent!"

"Fire everything!"

"Our ancestors watch; show them our fury!"


Agreed. While some "flavor" quotes once in a while would be ok, I think the majority of quotes should try to help bring context to what's going on in the battle (a play by play of sorts) while also bringing a little immersion/character to your otherwise faceless fleet.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 10:32:16 PM
"There's always a bigger fish."

"Asteroids do not concern me admiral. I want that ship, not excuses"
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 10:38:01 PM
Battle Card related lines anyone?

"Nano-Repair Systems deployed" (For nano-repair systems)

"He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day" (For retreat)

"Saboteurs have damaged their weapons" (For Short circuit or sabotage)

"Raise Shields!" (magnetic field or energy absorption)

I'm trying to think of things for non-Empire races but it's kind of hard.


"Optimizing [insertappropriateshipsystemnamehere]"

"Analyzing hostile trajectories"

"Knowledge is power"


"Evaluating possible outcomes"
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 7:39:33 AM
All these humor ones would get very old, and if implemented at all should be rare. Chatter needs to convey what is happening, but still be interesting.

Clicking on a fleet.

"All hands are ready."

"Green across the board."


"Your will, my command."

"Guide us."

"Engines warmed, systems primed, on your mark."

"Just give the go ahead."

Admirals could have their own lines.

"How can I serve?"

"Glory to you emperor."

"Your command?"

"The admiralty is standing by."

"Lead me, follow me, or stay out of my way." *rare*

Planets should have lines only if there is a hero present, possible lines could refer to the systems status.

"The population is content my lord."

"The peons refuse to work!"

"Another glorious day."

"The population is happy, although I cannot explain why."

Then just general combat chatter.

"Bring to bear."


"Fire, fire, fire!!!"

"Shields are holding."

"Interception successful."

"Incoming fire, bearing 105 degrees, shields up!"

"We are hit, accessing damage."

"Breach, breach in the hull!"

"Systems not responding!"

"I want proper damage reports!"

"Target marked, engage!"

"The bulkheads are comprised!"

"This ship's had it!"

"Catastrophic hit!"

"We're hit, aband--"

Of course the alien races need be given a bit of flair to make them different. But I don't play as filthy xenos so I'm not the person to ask for ideas.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 9:41:43 AM
I'll try some more for Sophons:

Projectiles aproaching from vector zero-one-zero.

Enemy reaction consistent with our simulations

Energy spike, they are charging weapons

proceed with scenario five-nine-eight

What a crude Design... targeting obvious structural weaknesses.

Sometimes I wonder what's going on in their little brains... it must be so boring! (okay scrap that, this one's stolen from sherlok)

Energy density exceeds our projections, they must have made an technological breakthrough [smuglaugh] our shields are down to 99% (when sophon military technology is superior)

They might as well throw rocks

Their behaviour is erratic, we ... we have no defense strategy (when taking heavy damage)

All that knowledge, applied only to destroy, it's a shame (when sophon military technology is inferior)

Damage to science lab seven

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 12:28:25 PM
Against Hissho:

"I"ll get a feather in my cap!"

"My mattress needs some stuffing!"

"Die, worm-eaters!"
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 12:32:39 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Against Hissho:

"I"ll get a feather in my cap!"

"My mattress needs some stuffing!"

"Die, worm-eaters!"

rofl what can I say, worms are quite nutritious smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 12:35:17 PM
Raptor wrote:
rofl what can I say, worms are quite nutritious smiley: biggrin

Indeed they are smiley: smile

Edit: Whaa, two images??

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 4:12:26 PM
I just want to say if they DO comm chatter, it has to be alot. Ie: not enough to notice a repeat, otherwise it gets irritating.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:54:06 PM

Fleet attacking: "Bring me their heads!"

Spotting the enemy: "The cowards have been spotted!"

Defending: "Victory or Death!"
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 8:48:15 PM
FOmar wrote:
Anyone here played Homeworld 2? The chatter there was great without being too intrusive, i.e;

Mining Craft: "Resources exhausted, moving on"

Large ships upon Death: "Breach in starboard fusion chamber! we're going down! we're going- *explodes*"

True, but I have had too many games where there was 3-4 phrases. That is so bad i turn it off.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 8:51:47 PM
I remember peasant's commentaries in warcraft 3, it was epic! (in the french version).
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 8:52:54 PM
Randeng wrote:
I remember peasant's commentaries in warcraft 3, it was epic! (in the french version).

Please, do enlighten us. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 8:59:37 PM
You didn't play it?

They had stranges voices, I can't describe it XD

Look there:

And now, I'm wondering if we have to keep fun sentences or serious sentences? Because I think we'll have to choose^^
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 9:02:16 PM
Hm.. Turns out, I DID play! smiley: smile Wow, lots'a old memories coming back. "A horse kicked me once... It huurt smiley: frown"
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 9:53:34 PM
"Don't you point that thing at me!"

"Stop!! I've spilled my coffee..."

"Do you think they can see us?"

"Sir, we should leave... their are scratching the paint!"

"You shot my Battleship! Ah! Now it's my turn."

"Don't run, we are your friends."

"Did you had enough?"

"Let's get some!"

"There is no honor in killing you."

"You shall live today, but not tomorrow."

"Do you want to exchange numbers? Here is mine, in morse code! Buhahah!!"

"Sir! Incoming!"

"Brace for impact!"

"That was close!"

"Damage report!"

"Is it your turn or mine?"

"We lost connection to the fleet"

"Let's Tango!"

"Looking for survivors."

"Full power to weapons"

"All weapons... FIRE"

"This is the commander, it was an honour to serve with you... [BOOM]"

"[enginneer] We are losing pow... -[commander] YEH tell me something I didn't know!!"

"Send a message to all ships, we are leaving."
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 10:07:04 PM
"There is no cake... for you!"
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 10:17:09 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
"There is no cake... for you!"

"Now its a party!" - Defender when the bad guys arrive
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:46:57 PM
Randeng wrote:
adding a new sentence so:

"We'll see if you have ones under your panties!"

I'm not sure Cravers have clothing. Anyways, try something more elaborate than asking after genitals. There's no lore regarding reproduction to any of the races but the horatio and there it is cloning!
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:21:12 PM
Gordon wrote:
This. Would. Be. So. Cool.

"I'm hit, Losing power." "Get to the life-po....". "Oho, Suck ma lazor, BUG". "Do you like rockets? I have one for you right here"

Would be fun if the chatter could also have a humorous tune to it also smiley: smile

Nosferatiel wrote:
Hm. I'm just imagining the oneliners:

"Commander! Missiles incoming!" "Turn starboard! Starboard!! Initiate countermeasures!"


"All beam batteries on that ugly ship. Death to the Cravers!"

or in an eery voice

"Geth ssem. Wwe neeet foood!" from the craver side? XD

Just to transfer them
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:23:13 PM
Here is mine from that suggestion thread. Plus a few new ones. smiley: smile


-I'm hit, Losing power."

"Get to the life-po....".

"Oho, Suck ma lazor, BUG".

"Do you like rockets? I have one for you right here" <- Could that one be misinterpreted?

"Commander, my windows are cracking.". "Bahaha, I love Space.". "When we get back, I'm gonna buy you a beer".

"I'm Locked and loaded. Lets kill us some bugs." "What the hell are those things? They look like my mother-in-law". "Out of rockets, switching to lasers".

"My hull is breached." "Damn it, they got sucked out". "If I die, I left 10 tons of dust for you in......"

"Direct Hit", "Damn it, I missed"."Brace your self's. Missiles incoming." If I come up with some more, I will be sure to post them smiley: smile


"Do you think the Emperor would kill us if we ran away?"

"For the emperor!!. Yargh"

"I thought I killed you already?!" <- Fighting Horatio

"I never were one for bugs". <- Fighting Cravers.

"Yes, Emperor" <- When moving the fleet. (Not battle mode)

"As you wish" <- Also, when moving the fleet. (Also not battle mode)

"Yes your Imperial Majesty" <- When moving the fleet. (Not battle mode)
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:28:59 PM
"Hot-Damm, look at all them cravers, Heyy!! that one looks like your wife!"

after seeing the following lol

Gordon wrote:
"What the hell are those things? They look like my mother-in-law"
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:30:17 PM
That's mean they will add this??

"Let's show them who's the best" => during the "arrival phase"

"Incoming fleet detected Commander!" => when you're the defender, arrival phase

"AH! It was too easy!" => at the end of the battle, for the winner

"Come back when you'll get some balls!" at the end of the battle, for the winner
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:31:20 PM
I don't know if they will add it. But the best way to convince them is to propose them an already existing list smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:32:57 PM
Randeng wrote:
"Come back when you'll get some balls!" at the end of the battle, for the winner
What if the opponents are cravers? Do they have balls? :rolleyes:
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:33:30 PM
Gordon wrote:
What if the opponents are cravers? Do they have balls? :rolleyes:

thus the need to tell them to get some :L
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:33:44 PM
Is the dev. team allowed to quote popular slogans or oneliners?
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:35:08 PM
Gordon wrote:
What if the opponents are cravers? Do they have balls? :rolleyes:

adding a new sentence so:

"We'll see if you have ones under your panties!"
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:44:37 PM
"Oh come on,this was easier than the combat readiness exercises" end of battle,winner

"Damn,look at that thing getting its fireworks on" when enemy ship explodes

"Guys?Can someone clean the floor from all these slug cases?I swear it's knee deep down here"end of battle,draw-winner

"From the looks of these,I think it's better to just ram into them" start of battle

"Let's just destroy these quickly,because I think I will throw up just by looking at them"start of battle

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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:15:26 PM
A oneliner is a sentence that takes only one line.

Gather here all the COM chatter (while into battle) you can imagine. If you have new ideas, just edit the first you've made smiley: smile

Enjoy !
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:48:34 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I'm not sure Cravers have clothing. Anyways, try something more elaborate than asking after genitals. There's no lore regarding reproduction to any of the races but the horatio and there it is cloning!

"Seems like your cloning didn't help a lot,no?"
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:04:24 PM
"Somebody put that fire out!"

"My god, they're everywhere!"

"Multiple hull breaches detected!"

"Main engines offline."


"Target locked."

"Target destroyed!"

"I love this job."

"WHAT, we're fighting THAT?!"

"Why are we running around in these little ships? Give us one of those."

"I got the white flag ready to go, commander."

"I don't get paid enough for this."



"Enemy ships sunk."

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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:08:52 PM
For fighting Horatio:

"I can't decide one of you from the other... That's why I have to kill all of you!"
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:09:02 PM
"A glory day for a glorious victory!"

"We will deliver blood to the gods!"

"Let's settle this!"
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:10:32 PM
Think of what would be saying your favorite faction.

"Hummm... Tasty [@EnemyFaction] here. With onions. Always love the onions" for cravers for instance smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:13:11 PM
"So we are indeed the distraction!"

"Firing missiles"

"I swear I can see them laughing at us!"

"Someone get me a fire extinguisher"

"Who's laughing now,huh?!"
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:27:01 PM
For the Cravers, as insects have queens usually "For the Queen" only slightly over used in other games.

I'd like at least one of the races to have random bable because they don't speak English!
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:32:42 PM
InFlamesWeTrust wrote:
For the Cravers, as insects have queens usually "For the Queen" only slightly over used in other games.

I'd like at least one of the races to have random bable because they don't speak English!
Yes, would be cool if most of what the cravers said would be rable-bable. But I would also like if they had some few english words we could understand. Yes, No, Boom etc.
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13 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:43:43 PM
"Fleet command online" While choosing a large group of ships.

"moving towards destination" for scouting or moving into a empty area

engaging hostiles for pirates, engaging enemy empire for opposing forces.

"Hull breach locking down affected area." for catastrophic damage

Powerplant leak multiple hull breaches permission to repair. for damaged ships

just for general com chatter

that male lead voice actor for homeworld cataclysm was impressive along side the individual voices for the other ships i have yet to see another game with good com chatter. Everything else is just parodies or seems bland.
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