Hi All, I'll use this thread to post my thoughts and feedback for game improvements. (FYI I'm in my thirties and have been playing games since I was 4 years old I have a vast catalog of games and game experience)

Length of End Turn Loading needs to be significantly reduced: I have a pretty powerful laptop that can play most games extremely well and on high settings, I find that no matter what graphics setting I choose it does not affect the turn wait time, it takes about 20-30 seconds at the end of each turn, I've persevered 40 turns and its becoming quite tedious. This definitely needs optimization.

Learn and Browse while End turn is resolving: The ability to do things while I'm waiting during end turn, If it is going to take a while to churn through the various end turn tasks please allow me to look at things, heroes, cities, planets while the end turn resolves, I found after playing Heroes and Civilization for many years I instinctively use wait times to try to learn more and find it frustrating when I cannot and just have to wait it out each end turn.

Clean up the Planet Browsing Screen: Visually, I like where its going but something is wrong, I can't quite put my finger on it, I think its a) the highlighter looks tacky 'the fluro blue bullet points in spherical' b) the open space around the planets top, bottom and right, why not use all the space effectively?

Make the tutorial windows bigger: So they come up as an example, great, but why not just use the whole screen and say tutorial example or something? I'm using 1920x1080 for better graphics and I have to squint to see the tutorial screen example which seems greyed and much smaller than the actual window, shouldn't the tutorial window be easier to read and simplified? with highlighted sections? it would be better to highlight the relevant areas and get popup help rather than having to read down a column on the right when you can actually see the window!?

more to come... still trying the game.smiley: cool keep up the good work anyway its seems to be going in the right direction just needs more work.