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A few ideas based on my first playthrough

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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 12:11:04 PM
Pirates - I'm not sure what rules govern pirates but I found them to be very random and more of an issue as my fleet grew is this intended? I did notice them blockading and then taking over planets which I think is a good idea and encourages defence fleets at key planets. I lost my only source of Titanium-70 to a pirate fleet. I feel that rather than having seemingly random pirate attacks some pirate bases should spawn at the game start in random locations with a small fleet and this could then grow overtime as the empires expand. This would then add the possibility of having to take out a pirate base to colonise more planets or to prevent the attacks.

Fleets - At the start of the game when only a few fleets are available it's very easy to keep a close eye on their movement points and use them efficiently but as the game moves forward and the fleets grow it get's much harder. When I select a fleet destination I don't want to have to babysit. I want it to carry out its orders and only inform me of issues if something unexpected occurs. So as an example if I select a planet for colonisation that is a fair distance from my current worlds. I select the fleet click its destination then it sets off and moves each turn until it reaches the colonisation target. Once the target is reached or something unexpected happens I should get a message to inform me so I can take action. Some kind of message when a fleet arrives I feel is essential and I don't think it's currently implemented.

Planet Info - It would be great to have a list of explored systems that could be broken down by planet types so colonisation targets are easier to select I found as the game moved forward I was clicking all over the star map to find systems suitable for my colonisation needs.
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 12:55:00 PM
Pirates seem to spawn at random intervals at random uncolonized planets. I find building a few defenders when I make a colony ship to escort and guard the newly colonized planet to be a fine solution to them.

It would be nice to receive a message when fleets arrive at a destination.
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 12:55:21 PM
Some or all of theses suggestion have already been suggested and summarised here. If you want to discuss this further please do so here
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