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Q and A with your local noob

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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:03:39 AM
Hey there,

I have been playing this game for two days now and i got some questions for the more experienced users here

(or the smarter users smiley: wink

1. the tech tree is a bit confusing, the description isn't really helpful when i want to pick a tech and i can't see what the benefits are for that certain tech i want to research. Mostly i just pick the one with the most fanciest logo…

Is there somewhere a link on this forum where u can find a comprehensive list of what a tech does and it's benefits?

2. When i meet the AI it's always has a full color over it's empire, my systems never connect there 'color' with each other. what tech do u need to research to connect your systems as one big system? (cause i think u get a certain benefit from that)

3. Is there a way to rename the classes of your ship design?

I use a specific system to name my classes so i can spot directly what i have in a fleet.

I base them on animals and i got 5 classes, insect, fish, reptile, bird and mammal.

based on the evolution of the animal i can directly see how powerful the ship is.

example :

Battleship class:






4. What is a good mix to exploit your planets, u got 4 explotations but what's a good average

Example : for all planets : 50 percent food, 30 percent industrial, 10 percent science, 10 percent Dust

Thx in advance,

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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:10:36 AM
1/ look under the name (zoom at max) and you'll see some pics, put your mouse on them.

2/These circles are your influence/territorry, some tech (left part of the tree) can help you to extend them.

3/go to the ship pic at the top part of the screen, create a new "skin" and you can name it.

3/You have to specialize your star systems, build industries in one and put food and hapinness star systems improvments (and try to terraform planets into lava planets). Idem for research with artic planets. Food is useless (star systems improvments are fairly sufficient. For dust, no need to have, try to put your tax rate at the minimum of rentability, the more your population is happy, the more they product.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:14:01 AM
to 1: scroll all the way down once in the tech tree and you can read tech descriptions.

to 2: comes over time as you gain influence. Some techs help you improve your influence area but you have to build special buildings in your system for the techs to take effect. (left side tree if memory serves)

to 3: yes. There is a name field just over the class, I would simply use it... smiley: smile

to 4: ymmv, but for me it depends of the planet types in the system. If I have a system which is lava heavy, this system will be an industrial powerhouse and most probably also a big fleet base. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:15:46 AM
to 1. I don't know but after a while you get to a point where you will know the most valuable techs and the best way to get them. I think thats just practice

to 3. Not to my knowledge you have to create another class

to 4. which exploit is best depends on many things

- 1. The stage of the game: In early food is the endall most important thing in the universe: More food -> more people -> more colonies -> more of everything

in middle science and production get more and more powerful

and in lategame it shifts again to production and dust

(depending on your chosen type of victory ofcourse)

- 2. The type of the planet: different planettypes get different boni

>>click me I'm a helpful link<<

edit: dmn beaten by 2 people? smiley: wink ah well

but: if you have problem with special techs (to unlock special ressources, to be able to colonize planets, ...) you can search for them by name in the bottom right of the research screen.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:16:22 AM
1, Don't think there's a summary on the forum. Someone's working on a wiki which will include descriptions of the techs, but it's very early days yet. For now I think you're really stuck with just reading them. If you make sure you spread your research evenly between all 4 trees, learning the easiest (i.e. quickest to research) you won't go too far wrong.

2, Population is a big factor in this, I believe. Basically the influence zone spreads over time. The AI always seems to have bigger influence areas quicker than me though, so I'm far from 100% sure of the mechanics. Someone else might be able to give a firmer answer.

3, You can change the name of a ship type when you 'modify' it using the fleet screen.

4, It depends on what the system needs, and also certain planet types lean towards certain exploitation types, e.g. Arid is very good for Dust production, Arctic is good for Science, etc. The mouseover details on the tooltips should give you a good idea. Normally you will want at least one 'food focused' planet in a system to start with in order to grow your population quickly.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:22:51 AM
1. if you zoom in to the tech tree and put your cursor over the symbols within the techs themselves it will shows you a breakdown of what that tech unlocks.

2. Think you're talking about 'influence'.

3. Yes, just create a new ship design for the Battleship instead of modify your current one.

4. Depends, but definitely don't go overboard with food. Food surplus equates to population growth, BUT when your population on the system has reached its max, all the 100s of food surplus you have are now useless. Only on your home system, initially, should food surplus be fairly high because it needs to provide population for colonizing other planets. Usually, I will exploit everything on my planets with industry (your most valuable resource)- if I am lacking in any areas such as food or science I will make up with it with system wide improvements (e.g magnetic fields improvement add +40 to science). If there is an arctic planet, I will exploit it initially with science, then terraform it to lava later in the game and run industry exploits on it. Your first improvement to a newly colonized system should almost always be an industry boosting one, as this will decrease the time it takes to build successive improvements.

Rotate ind-dust conversions on your systems to generate dust. Later game, you might want to do some ind-science conversions.

Industry is what will ultimately win you the game because it'll enable you to build things, including war ships, quickly.

Never under any circumstance choose the dust exploitation even if the planet is apparently suited to dust. You will earn adequate dust through ind-dust conversion.

Edit: Randeng's advice is also v good. Food exploits are unneccessary as system improvements will suffice. People telling you 'it depends on the star system' are mostly wrong. Also, your tax rate should be 0% after the first few turns as this will maximise happiness, FIDS, and any ind-dust/ind-science conversions.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:33:44 AM
If you have a production system (with only lavas), there's one improvment which gives +2 food production to every person in lavas planets^^
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:37:18 AM
@Randeng: If you screw the Lava and go for jungle transforming you will end up with more production (because of bigger planet sizes) and more food and can save the production time/money for the upgrade ^^

but lets not get into technicalities with certain buildings or this thread will become endless smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:44:58 AM
StK wrote:
@Randeng: If you screw the Lava and go for jungle transforming you will end up with more production (because of bigger planet sizes) and more food and can save the production time/money for the upgrade ^^

but lets not get into technicalities with certain buildings or this thread will become endless smiley: wink

No because I use terraformation, then I can have really big lava planets smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:51:51 AM
Doesnt matter: The amount of pops that can work a planet depends on the planets type. click the link i put in my response and you will see that jungle always beats lava in production.. smiley: wink

or do you mean you abuse terraforming?

I recognized that i had more then the max amount of people in a starsystem because I terraformed max. populated planets to lava but I didn't know these pops that are nowhere visible but in the number are actually doing anything. smiley: wink

Let me quote messej here who actually did all the work on this and should get the credit for it too:

So Arid does beat Terran for Dust on all planets (Once all Tecs are applied, unimproved Tiny and Small may see Terran Leading).

Jungle beats Lava for Production at all sizes

Ocean beats Artic for Science at all sizes

And Terran utterly destroys everything for Food.
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