I already posted it in another thread but when it comes to spacecombat everyone has different opinions in what should be changed and the discussion goes south. So please, please stick to that narrow part of this topic

There is no suggestion in this post (so far) so I posted it here.

So I wanted to open this thread to see if there can be a consensus about a small part of it:

The RPS system of weapons and armor:

I don't like this 0% or 100% effectiveness RPS thing of the dmg and armor values. A tech- and lvlwise inferior battlegroup can utterly destroy a superior one when they are equipped with the counter weapons. So you have to check every fleet that comes in sensor range on every front for its weapon/armor composition and hope that nothing reaches you from outside your sensor range or behind a wormhole (Which in lategame is easily possible because of the high movement engines).

And even if you catch it at the right moment, if you just had to refit one front .. and are unlucky and the same thing happens at another front too (or a human player was just faking it) and you don't have the dust to refit again you can only run away. So the work of hours (tons of victories, building up a superior fleet, researching) can be undone by cheap, quick suicide squad (all weapons no armor) of counter equipped cruisers...

This is even more true when fighting the Hissho (for their insane dmg values and cheap weapon system) and the UE (because they have the dust to refit every other turn if they have to)

Its annoying and tedious to check every turn every fleet again to see if something changed.

Again this is not about cards or the space combat itself this is just about the RPS of weapon and armor and that that should be changed!

edit: I really think this is necessary because the other threads are to vague and general and everybody throws opinions and suggestions about everything around that has to do with space combat and while those threads are useful to gather general ideas no results will come of them because there never is the smallest consens about anything. So breaking them up into sub-topics where we can discuss about solutions is important. Just my 2 cents