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Adler's Bugs and Remarks Thread

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 4:24:11 PM
Hi folks,

I am playing the alpha and have found some bug and have remarks.

At first the bugs. Sometimes, when I want to enter a battle manually I can't do so, although I click on the button.

Once I had one of the explanations of one thing detached to the curser for the whole turn. That was okay after pressing the turn key.

The next bug was, that the after battle reports sometimes were appearing for less than a second and then vanished.

And here some remarks:

1. I am a big fan of Master of Orion. So I think to add some more features should be good. I also have to admit, I did not have the time to look through every post here. I am sorry, if something was already said.

2. At first you should add an event like Fleet Alpha arrived at Wolf 359 or so. It helps you to keep an overview over the fleets.

3. The battles have too few action. Fleet A appears, then Fleet B and both shoot on each other. No maneuvering and so on. I think that should be changed.

4. Invasions should need transports full of army units and no fleet of ships just in the orbit.

5. Production should be centered on a planet and no system. Furthermore each planet should have two production lines, one building, the other ships. So both could be produced simultaneously.

6. Perhaps you could make a kind of report at the beginning of each turn. There should be all events seen, what had happened.

7. More races, if possible.

8. Make racial abilities. So every race starts with 100 points. Each of these points may be used for abilities. If you want to spend more, you need "bad traits". So if you want to be more cunning in espionage, you have to give up some in sciences.

9. I am not so far, but are there carriers and fighters?

10. Tasks. Some kind of alien give you the task to destroy a certain pirate clan or find a certain treasure.

11. Gas giants and asteroid belts should not be colonizable. But with a certain technology and ship you can make a planet out of them.

12. Let's have a look on the colonies. With a better overview, what is happening. Why they are unhappy and so on.

Just my 2 Cents.

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 4:36:56 PM
Ships already land troops on the surface of planets. There isn't really any feedback about it but its very much in the flavour.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 4:37:27 PM
I will not cover every one of your remarks.

4) Your ships will drop troops in, you just wont see it.

5) I think the current system is good.

6) End Turn rapport would be good.

7) There will be more races. There are confirmed more races at this moment. These are just the alpha races.

8) What?

9) This have been requested by the community many times. We have to see what the devs will say.

10) Why would an alien give a foreign empire a task to destroy some pirates?

11) Never seen star wars? Bespin, those flying stations above that gas giant. Also I love being able to colonize gas giants and asteroids. Besides, that would be one whacked out gun.

12) Better overview will probably come.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 6:56:09 PM
4. I meant to introduce a ground combat system as well. Even if it was as rudimentary as in MoO 3.

8. What I meant with racial abilities or traits:

You have several fields. Each field has usually 4 (perhaps some only 2 or even 6) traits. Each trait has a number of points. Each race has, let's say, 10 points. A Human Empire might be good in science and cunning, but weak in ground combat. To edit these pregiven fields you need to lower another field.

For example:

a) Science

Very good 5 Points

Good 3 Points

Average 0 Points

Low -3 Points

Very low: -5 Points

b) Economy

Very good 5 Points

Good 3 Points

Average 0 Points

Low -3 Points

Very low: -5 Points

And so forth. So if you have spent all your points but you want to become better in sciences you must make the economy lower. If you make that very low, you get 5 points to spend. They can be spent to become very good.

10. Just an idea. Somehow you get tasks. Might be also one of your scientists. Like go to planet X to find an artifact. Or destroy the pirate base on Planet Y.

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 7:14:28 PM
4) I like how it is now. If the game makes you commence ground combat aswell as space combat, it would get tedious. But, that is my opinion. I do not speak for everybody.

8) Sorry, but that just seem unnecessary.

10) Reminds me too much of Spore.

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 7:16:48 PM
Gordon wrote:
4) I like how it is now. If the game makes you commence ground combat aswell as space combat, it would get tedious. But, that is my opinion. I do not speak for everybody.


I agree with you on number 4, it would get really tedious, esspically when you should be focusing on the big picture.
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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 9:31:59 PM
4. All I asked for was a system, in which you have to decide on a very low level. I know, MoO 3 wasn't the great game. But here you could have had some influences. I mean, that you need to build certain kinds of land units. An infantry platoon, an armour brigade, a mech division. To defend and to capture a planet you need these forces. You need transports to bring them to the planets, you need an invasion to take the planet. OTOH you need to have troops on your planets as well for defenses. There might be some basic units on every planet, but they can't hardly beat a serious opponent. Furthermore it is more realistic. In ww2 there were only a few very minor raids done with ship soldiers- if ever. Even small raids like that on a German RADAR side or the attack on Spitzbergen in 1943 by the Germans were all conducted by special forces or normal troops. Let alone for huge invasions. How many soldiers shall be on these ships? If we guess there were 100 men on one corvette, then you can't use more than 20 (at best) to invade a planet. Let's say, you have three corvettes. And let's say, you have a system there to be colonized 20 turns ago. Then you have 60 men to conquer a colony of 10.000+ people. Where hardly 600 men are in militias organized. It doesn't work. Guess, 60 Klingons would land in Manhattan to conquer the USA. They would do some damage, but they would ultimatively very soon dead.

8. Why not having a system in which the traits are moddable? You can have scientific Wookies or Yodas with muscles.

10. Ever played Imperium Galactica II?

There is another bug to report:

A big planet had low G. I don't think that this would be possible.

Furthermore there should be local defenses. Like orbital fortresses or defense sattelites.

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13 years ago
May 9, 2012, 9:40:26 PM
Adler17 wrote:
4. All I asked for was a system, in which you have to decide on a very low level. I know, MoO 3 wasn't the great game. But here you could have had some influences. I mean, that you need to build certain kinds of land units. An infantry platoon, an armour brigade, a mech division. To defend and to capture a planet you need these forces. You need transports to bring them to the planets, you need an invasion to take the planet. OTOH you need to have troops on your planets as well for defenses. There might be some basic units on every planet, but they can't hardly beat a serious opponent. Furthermore it is more realistic. In ww2 there were only a few very minor raids done with ship soldiers- if ever. Even small raids like that on a German RADAR side or the attack on Spitzbergen in 1943 by the Germans were all conducted by special forces or normal troops. Let alone for huge invasions. How many soldiers shall be on these ships? If we guess there were 100 men on one corvette, then you can't use more than 20 (at best) to invade a planet. Let's say, you have three corvettes. And let's say, you have a system there to be colonized 20 turns ago. Then you have 60 men to conquer a colony of 10.000+ people. Where hardly 600 men are in militias organized. It doesn't work. Guess, 60 Klingons would land in Manhattan to conquer the USA. They would do some damage, but they would ultimatively very soon dead.

8. Why not having a system in which the traits are moddable? You can have scientific Wookies or Yodas with muscles.

10. Ever played Imperium Galactica II?

There is another bug to report:

A big planet had low G. I don't think that this would be possible.

Furthermore there should be local defenses. Like orbital fortresses or defense sattelites.


Only regarding the big planets with low G: Unlikely, I agree, but there seem to be hollow planets, too. The density of the big planet just has to be very low. Would be a very interesting composition of that planet, though.
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13 years ago
May 10, 2012, 7:34:25 AM
Looking over my post, I noticed that I may have seemed a little too negative, and did not mean too come off such.

It may look like I'm slaughtering your ideas, but that was not my intent. smiley: wink

If you felt annoyed, or wanted to punch my face in, I apologize.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 6:22:49 PM
No problem.

I have also some more ideas:

1. Make the races more unique, I mean, let them also have the abilities to live on different worlds. Some on lava planets, the others on barren. On this way you can have immigration and emigration. If there is a rich lava planet, members of race X might immigrate to settle there.

2. The ships should have better volumes/weights. And more kinds of ships. I mean, a corvette should carry 100 tons (or what ever) units. The frigate can carry 150, the destroyer 225, the light cruiser 350, the heavy cruiser 525, the battlecruiser 800, the battleship 1.200, the dreadnought 1.800 and the leviathan 2.700. Furthermore, the bigger the ship, the more weapons and the bigger the weapons a ship can carry. Perhaps make also different lafettes. Ships up to a destroyer can only carry light laffettes. Medium versions of the weapons can be carried by the cruisers. Battlecruisers up to dreadnoughts can carry heavy weapons. And the Leviathan the biggest. Same with shields and so on.

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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 7:19:06 PM
These are good suggestions. You may want to look at the suggestions thread in my sig, since some of them are already being discussed.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:25:31 PM
Adler17 wrote:
8. Make racial abilities. So every race starts with 100 points. Each of these points may be used for abilities. If you want to spend more, you need "bad traits". So if you want to be more cunning in espionage, you have to give up some in sciences.

8. This already exists, just not in the alpha - /#/endless-space/forum/29-archives/thread/13124-design-creating-your-own-faction

As for the rest, the MOO series was good, but I don't think every 4X game needs to copy them so closely. There seems to be a deliberate choice with ES to get rid of a lot of the complexity and micromanagement that MOO had. Faffing around with individual planets, ground combat, millions of ship types, and so on, adds a lot of extra things to worry about without necessarily improving the game.

11. Gas giants and asteroid belts should not be colonizable. But with a certain technology and ship you can make a planet out of them.

You really think it would be easier to build an entire planet than to build self-contained bases on asteroids or moons? We have the technology to do that right now. It would be expensive and risky, but certainly possible. But building an Earth-like planet out of a gas giant doesn't even make sense (Seriously, Jupiter has over 300 times the mass of Earth but is mostly hydrogen. How are you going to turn it into a rock and what are you going to do with the rest of it?). I think the way it's done in ES now is actually rather more sensible.
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