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Battle Cards

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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:08:54 AM
The malus applies to your weapons, but in the case you block an ennemi tactics, you get rid of the malus.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 6:56:55 PM
All hail TheQuad

i think you got the sense of the bonuses on the cards, i understood it the same way while playing, even though it was not that evident and clear the first times.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:21:52 PM
FangFur wrote:
Thanks TheQuad. Mystery solved. Hopefully the Devs will take note on how much confusion this caused. Should be quite simple to provide better explanations as to the effects of the battle cards.

I also think some of the system builds explanations could be a little clearer as to there effects as well!

I agree, and I have to imagine the Devs will make the card descriptions clearer in future builds. Even changing the block to on counter, or something similar would clear thing up a bit. I'd also like it if they organized each card by category, instead of just having them all spread out across the screen. Maybe have columns for each card category, and then have the cards themselves listed underneath. You only have so much time before the battle begins, and sometimes it can be hard to find exactly which card you want to play!
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:53:55 PM
Thanks TheQuad. Mystery solved. Hopefully the Devs will take note on how much confusion this caused. Should be quite simple to provide better explanations as to the effects of the battle cards.

I also think some of the system builds explanations could be a little clearer as to there effects as well!
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 11:37:30 AM
if it is supposed that cards have second and third bonus/malus types, the player must have clear information or it is like random play. i believe that the card system must be reinvented. I like the concept but should have more tactical layers (like formations, racial cards, special bonus) and be more clear to player. For now, IMHO, it is too linear and random to me. The AI isn't very smart too and it is a little predictable. Only the massive fleets bug give the AI a chance (really big one smiley: smile).
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 11:24:33 AM
Originally I thought that maybe the block was related to defense efficiency or something

Now that I'm thinking about it in the metagame of the cards, TheQuad's explanation seems perfect
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 11:13:12 AM
TheQuad wrote:
I believe what it means is that if this card category counters the opponent's played card category (Each card description tell you which category it is, and which it blocks), then the block attribute is a bonus applied to your card. In this case, Weapon Overclock is an Offensive category card, which counters any Engineering card played. If you played Weapon Overclock, and your opponent plays any Engineering card, then none of his card abilities are applied to him for that round, and you would have +50% kinetics damage (+40% plus the block bonus of +10%)

Wasnt sure on the block % either, but if the above is correct it makes perfect sense now! smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 9:12:49 AM
But why then AI (normal) use this card a lot, with only beam to beam battles? 0_0
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 3:38:20 AM
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could explain what the block element means on the battle cards.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:52:32 AM
And can someone explain this card:

Magnetic Field

+40% deflector efficiency (block: +10%) -> so it's mean when it bloc another card it will get 50% (deflectors anti kinetic armor)

but wtf is this:

-20% beam damage (block: +20%) -> To whom weapons -dmg? to mine, or to opponent? It's mean when it block another card it will be 0% or 40%? And if it's to mine weapons why then AI use this card a lot when I and It have beam dmg only?

It will be very nice if all cards will get a full information for idiots like me =/.....
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:35:20 AM
StK wrote:
What I think he means is

f.e.: Weapon Overclock

+40% kinetics damage

(block: +10%)

and I don't have a clue what it means and would like to know too smiley: wink

I believe what it means is that if this card category counters the opponent's played card category (Each card description tell you which category it is, and which it blocks), then the block attribute is a bonus applied to your card. In this case, Weapon Overclock is an Offensive category card, which counters any Engineering card played. If you played Weapon Overclock, and your opponent plays any Engineering card, then none of his card abilities are applied to him for that round, and you would have +50% kinetics damage (+40% plus the block bonus of +10%)


FangFur wrote:
At first I thought that if a card is countered by its opposite then it reduces the effect i.e on weapons overclock it would normaly do +40% kinetics damage but if was countered then it does+10% (this is the block part).

However on short circuit it normalys gives a -15% miss chance to enemy weapons, but then the block part says -20% which implies the bonus gets better. I am confused. Is this just an error or am I missing something?

Fangfur, close, but you have how the block is applied backwards. In this case, Short Circuit is a Sabotage category card that counters other Sabotage cards, and if your opponent played a Sabotage category card, then he would get none of the abilities of his card, and you would get a -35% miss chance to his weapons.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 7:14:46 AM
When engineering gets canceled out it gets COMPLETELY canceled out in my observation, I have no clue what the block means and have been meaning to ask for awhile.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 4:54:11 AM
At first I thought that if a card is countered by its opposite then it reduces the effect i.e on weapons overclock it would normaly do +40% kinetics damage but if was countered then it does+10% (this is the block part).

However on short circuit it normalys gives a -15% miss chance to enemy weapons, but then the block part says -20% which implies the bonus gets better. I am confused. Is this just an error or am I missing something?
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 4:43:06 AM
What I think he means is

f.e.: Weapon Overclock

+40% kinetics damage

(block: +10%)

and I don't have a clue what it means and would like to know too smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 4:16:30 AM
What do you mean by "block elements"? Do you mean "this card counters x" type thing. Because all in all its rock paper scissors. Where one card such as an Offensive card deals out can cancel a sabotage card but is just normal effect against an engineering card. And towards a tactics card its ineffective.
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