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What is out there...?

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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 12:26:55 PM
Fully believe in alien life and indeed intelligent life in the universe apart from ourselves. The drake equation, etc.

Don't think they have been here though.

"Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space."
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 12:27:24 PM
...the truth...

(sorry, coudn't resist...)
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 12:40:00 PM
lurker wrote:
Fully believe in alien life and indeed intelligent life in the universe apart from ourselves. The drake equation, etc.

Don't think they have been here though.

"Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space."

Who knows Earth might be really interesting for some Aliens, perhaps there is even something they want to learn from us...who knows?

Would be nice to know though if 2012 is a new Golden Age for us?
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 12:46:33 PM
There are much easier ways to learn than building ships and physically travelling. We are beaming massive amounts of information about ourselves out into space continually, it's much more likely that we are being 'eavesdropped' than visited.

Even that is quite unlikely though, because the sheer scale of the universe means that our 'EM bubble' (i.e. the volume of space through which our EM transmissions will have travelled since we started transmitting about a century ago) is insignificantly small and will contain a very small number of star systems, each of which has only a very small chance of intelligent life.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 12:50:01 PM
More seriously,

I believe in non-human intelligent life outside our solar system.

Must not even be carbon-based. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:01:23 PM
lurker wrote:
There are much easier ways to learn than building ships and physically travelling. We are beaming massive amounts of information about ourselves out into space continually, it's much more likely that we are being 'eavesdropped' than visited.

Even that is quite unlikely though, because the sheer scale of the universe means that our 'EM bubble' (i.e. the volume of space through which our EM transmissions will have travelled since we started transmitting about a century ago) is insignificantly small and will contain a very small number of star systems, each of which has only a very small chance of intelligent life.

I dont even think we will need to do that, i think it will be more of a case of building gates to other planets (Like supreme commander or stargate) and skipping the massive problem of inter-planetary travel......at least for a while anyway smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 12:19:34 PM
So i thought i wanted to make a new thread to see what people believe is out there....or maybe what they had seensmiley: wink

You are welcome to share some links of some video or photo of UFO's and such.

You also welcome to say what you think the aliens purpose would be here on Earth etc..

Anyways happy disgusting timesmiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:23:02 PM
This was so offtopic, I just had to move it.

Anyways, there may be a Higgs, could be some heavy SUSY and probably something like naturalness, though that is a question for lots of "believe" and almost no proof.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:38:06 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
I dont even think we will need to do that, i think it will be more of a case of building gates to other planets (Like supreme commander or stargate) and skipping the massive problem of inter-planetary travel......at least for a while anyway smiley: wink

To 'beam' something, you would have to deconstruct the matter from which an item is made, store the entire information about it's complex arrangement in some datastore. This datastore would need more capacity than the entire of earths storage. Then you would have to transmit this mass amounts of data across x space (you think copying a 7gb movie takes a while?). Then at the other end an item must be reconstructed using that information, only you would have to use energy to make matter (E=mc^2) So infact, it would take so much energy, you might aswell invest in cryogenics and take close to FTL travel as possible.

As for intelligent life out there; The universe is so infinitely big, it is naive of us to assume we are the only ones. We've seen it in our own solar system, life is possible on other worlds, even silicon life forms could exist. As for the fact nobody has made contact. Perhaps they don't know? It can take light thousands if not millions (perhaps billions) of years to reach a planet, for an alien race we could still be a rock of molten lava. We've only been broadcasting EM waves for around a 100 years, it's highly unlikely given the speed at which those waves travel, that those waves have reached anything significant, the distance between star systems is relatively huge, and from observing space we know that the vast majority of planets around us, cannot support life. Not to mention the distance they are to us, we may have seen signs of life already if there was an intelligent race. It's far more likely that they are a far way away, and light from their system is very old indeed. The universe could be peppered with intelligent life, however due to that pesky thing known as light, we can't observe them yet.

Hopefully this has enlightened some.

Kind Regards,

Ashley Williamson
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:40:14 PM
Radon wrote:
To 'beam' something, you would have to deconstruct the matter from which an item is made, store the entire information about it's complex arrangement in some datastore. This datastore would need more capacity than the entire of earths storage. Then you would have to transmit this mass amounts of data across x space (you think copying a 7gb movie takes a while?). Then at the other end an item must be reconstructed using that information, only you would have to use energy to make matter (E=mc^2) So infact, it would take so much energy, you might aswell invest in cryogenics and take close to FTL travel as possible.

As for intelligent life out there; The universe is so infinitely big, it is naive of us to assume we are the only ones. We've seen it in our own solar system, life is possible on other worlds, even silicon life forms could exist. As for the fact nobody has made contact. Perhaps they don't know? It can take light thousands if not millions (perhaps billions) of years to reach a planet, for an alien race we could still be a rock of molten lava. We've only been broadcasting EM waves for around a 100 years, it's highly unlikely given the speed at which those waves travel, that those waves have reached anything significant, the distance between star systems is relatively huge, and from observing space we know that the vast majority of planets around us, cannot support life.

Hopefully this has enlightened some.

Kind Regards,

Ashley Williamson

True, but as long as we get there, it doesent matter how smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:54:38 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
This was so offtopic, I just had to move it.

Anyways, there may be a Higgs, could be some heavy SUSY and probably something like naturalness, though that is a question for lots of "believe" and almost no proof.

Yeah thank you for moving it i notice i placed it in the wrong place sorrysmiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 2:03:39 PM
I had use science for a long time, but not long ago i realized that our form or science is very primitive so i had go for spirituality, and you won't believe how much more advanced it is compared to science.

How much does we really know about, Mind,Body,Soul?

I had learn allot from it so i had become quite wisesmiley: biggrin

If you want to know about this try this

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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 2:18:58 PM
I was never very good at sociology
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