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congrats on a great game and some AI related questions

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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:06:34 AM
so, hi there. i bought this off steam and first off i really LOVE the game. i think it is exactly the 4x game i'd been waiting for.

anyway, so i'd been playing this first game (tiny map on easy with as sophons vs hortaio and cravers) and to make a long story short, eventually i killed all of the cravers and made the horatios my allies. well, i thought it was a good plan. and it certainly was.. because after the cravers were gone i simply traded some techs with the horatios until i got an expansion victory. so... is that meant to be? wrong difficulty level? is it because of the game being alpha? and besides.. does lower difficulty level actually mean handicap on the AI or are they actually playing more 'intelligent' on higher levels?

anyway. i REALLY love this game already. and once this is properly balanced and multiplayer is integrated.. this could well stand as the defining 4x game IMO.

ps: english isn't my native language, sorry for any mistakes.
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:09:49 AM
"is it because of the game being alpha?"

And we have a right answer!!

Never feel as if you have to appologise for writing in another language, anyone here that does the same is wrong and should be kicked.

We are a good community smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 1:51:33 AM
Generally with games like these, they write a script for 1 AI (say Normal difficulty). On difficulty levels lower than this, the AI gets a penalty. On higher difficulty levels, they give the AI advantages (in production, research, dust production, etc.) This is why some say that the AI "cheats" at higher levels, as it technically does. This just comes down to the difficulty of producing a 'smart' AI for a game with so many variables, and one that doesn't take 1 hour for a turn in order for the AI to compute the absolute best choice.

The AI will likely get better as the game approaches full release, but this way of scaling AI will probably stay the same.
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 3:15:42 AM
Newbie and easy level are for people who aren't familiar with other 4x games. Please move up the difficulty level and see how well you do. It took me 6-8 games to succeed on normal level, and now I have moved to hard.
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