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Truly... Endless Space

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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 10:37:09 PM
Not really suggesting this in any real seriousness because this would be a HUGE, HUGE undertaking, but this is the idea essentially.

You've conquered the galaxy. But what about the universe? The idea is that after you beat the standard game, you can go into an extended game to gain control of another galaxy or galaxies. Much larger scale. Large Tech Pool. Obviously the other galaxies are either united or strong enough to be able to counter a united galaxy.

Was thinking there would be a second new tech tree over the last one, and there would be a special tech gained from how you beat the last game. Economic would be like huge boost to Dust Production, Scientific would be a huge boost to Science... and since your people are all computer thoughts, you could probably populate planets a LOT more too. Expansion would assist food and production. Military would pimp out your military, stuff like that.

Would make silly doomsday weapons seem a lot more useful since they'd enable you to speed things up if you needed to cow other civilization figured this would continue until you own the galaxy group.

Figuring this would be more of a discussion of what you'd like to see in this kind of scenerio as opposed to actually being like "WE NEEDDDD THIS."

I think most of the stuff we "Need' In the game the design team is handling.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 11:16:50 PM
A very nice idea, although I have a feeling it could quickly start to take up way too much computing power to process everything!

I don't think I've ever seen a 4x game set on a greater than a single galaxy scale before though. It would certainly be neat, although I have a feeling that it is a bit out of the scope of this game.

One way to reduce computing power required would be to progress the game in stages. The first stage would be as it is now, being able to settle and give orders to individual star systems. Then the second stage, when your empire hits a particular scale, stars are grouped together into star clusters - so that you no long give orders to single star systems, but to groups that act as a single entity. The last stage could be individual galaxies acting as single entities!
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 11:28:44 PM
Or it could work as a migration game. Meaning that when you conquer entire galaxy you select top 10 ships + a colony ship and migrate to another galaxy starting a new game BUT with the new (advanced) tech tree. In options you could choose if the new galaxy is either solid and occupied by a civilization on a same technological level OR you fight lesser ones. Could be fun, dunno.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 11:42:17 PM
Was thinking how this could work in a tournament play mode. Like if you have 4 galaxies with 4 players each, 16 total, and after awhile there will be a winner in each galaxy and then you can either have the winners migrate to a new galaxy like Aquiller said to ease the pressure on you computer or have gateways open between the galaxies to let the remaining 4 players battle to victory.

I think it's important to somewhat have more "things" when you move on to the finals/new stage since otherwise it will probably be 4 maxed out players and that's kinda .. Uninteresting. Like raising the bar for economic victory (significantly since everyone has a galaxy to their disposal if you don't use the migration option) and open up more things in the tech tree.

Really interesting idea!
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 11:53:15 PM
A new galaxy with slightly different physics (just to say) would be cool. But probably much too much in the way of processing going on to make it feasible for most players' machines right now. It would be possible in a 4X game but only if the star systems in each galaxy were simplified a great deal and individual planets might not even be represented directly. And the distances involved! You're really talking far out transit times here, unless a fantastic new system of propulsion is involved. And if it were, travel would probably near instantaneous at the level of local star clusters...so it would not be, in play, much different than what we have now, except only labeled differently.

Just my opinion, of course.
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13 years ago
May 13, 2012, 8:16:18 AM
Hum. I was thinking of a game where there woul dbe infinite space. Really. you're screwed ? Just flee to another and another and another system, and try to gather where you'll have some peace.

Would be awesome in fact (the only limit would be the memory and time taken to process a turn :P)
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:05:50 AM
If the game expands to actually crossing to other galaxies, with the assumption that you've conquered the old one, then I think it becomes a level cap problem. Like in RPG's when you assume God-like powers at the end of a game.

By the time you could do that, the game would need a whole new tech tree and you would be using tech indistinguishable from magic, meeting other God-like races as your only other challenge. It would be a whole new game. Maybe a cool idea for a later expansion, though? I don't think I've ever seen a space game that extended technological power that far. It would be like the old Populous game on a vastly larger scale.
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:21:28 AM
By the end of the tech tree in endless space you can already assent of the next plane of life, But the technology to be gods? no......there comes a dark, dark price for that level of power, somthing not even the endless achived and what the ablitys of Dust may be hinting at. smiley: stickouttongue
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 3:26:43 AM
Endless space is an illusion. The universe is finite. Time is finite. The number of universes and times are finite. Finite is finite. I would like a function where heroes and their fleets could be saved at the end of a game and arrive in a new galaxy, which would essentially be a new game with high level starting ships and heroes.
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